850 word research paper MLA formating

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Business Finance


Resources, Technical requirements, and budgeting : This section the following elements:

Identification of personnel involved: You must specify which organizational department or manager is responsible for each action in the plan. Will current staff handle the strategies? Are you planning for staffing increases or layoffs? 6

Identification of materials and costs: You must specify at what cost, if at all, can the raw materials be procured? Can the materials be found in time to support the effort?

Technical requirements: You must specify technical requirements to ensure proper performance of the new product or service. Examples from IS projects include speed and capacity of database systems and connectivity with alternative systems.

Budgeting: Allocating scarce resources involves funding capital projects, shifting resources, downsizing some areas, upsizing others, killing activities no longer justified, and funding new activities with a critical strategy role. Specifically you should suggest a project budget to explain resource allocation, the cost control metrics you think are valid, and milestone reports. You must specify the Key Performance Indicators for each phase of the plan. Explain why you chose each of them. You should also discuss cash flow considerations and resource constraints.

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