
timer Asked: Dec 5th, 2017

Question Description

Read the selection from Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens’ “Cornerstone Speech” of March 21, 1861, and then study the Thomas Nast editorial cartoon, “The President’s Inaugural,” of March 23, 1861.

Based on these two documents, and what you have learned in your HIST 1301 class, consider these questions:

  1. According to Stephens, what is the “cornerstone” of the confederacy?
  2. Paraphrase Stephens’ main argument. What are Stephens’ fundamental assumptions about blacks and whites?
  3. Demonstrate how Stephens supports his argument. To what “authority” does he appeal?
  4. How does Stephens summarize the arguments of those who have a differing view?
  5. What does Nast’s cartoon say about how Lincoln is viewed in the South?
  6. What populations within the newly-formed Confederate States of America would be most hostile toward Abraham Lincoln, and why?
  7. To what extent did Stephens and Nast in particular, and most Southerners and Northerners in general in 1861, exhibit sensitivity and tolerance in dealing toward women and African Americans?

Having considered these questions, write an essay of at least 800 words that:

  1. Makes an original argument that can be supported with the specific historical evidence of these two primary documents, as well as lecture notes and the textbook assigned to your class;
  2. Analyzes the historical significance of these two primary documents;
  3. Analyzes the nature of cultural/racial/gender relations during the 1860s;
  4. Connects the choices and actions of Confederate leaders to their decisions to secede and make war against the United States government;
  5. Is written in standard English, with all sources and quotes properly cited using MLA format;
  6. Is written in your own words, not copied and pasted from other sources or web sites;
  7. Is submitted through eCampus by clicking the CORE OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT link above.

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