powerpoint on drug of choice

timer Asked: Dec 11th, 2017

Question Description

HSE 225 PowerPoint Grading Rubric
Exemplary Adequate Needs Improvement
PowerPoint Slide Requirements Information is very organized with all requirements (11) met or exceeded.

40 points Most of the slide requirements are addressed (9 or more) in an organized fashion.

30 points Missing 3 or more requirements. Project is lacking several key elements and no clear organization of information.
20 points
Quality of Information Information clearly relates to the main topic. Many supporting details given. Information is factual and correct.
40 points Information relates to the main topic. No to few details given. Quality of information is adequate.

30 points Information is not shown to relate to main topic. The information appears disorganized and is not presented logically.
20 points
Spelling and Grammar No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

10 points Three (3) or less grammatical, spelling, or punctuation error.

5 points More than three (3) grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors are included.
0 points
Sources All sources accurately documented.

10 points One source is not listed or documented correctly.

5 points Two or more sources are not listed or documented correctly.
0 points

PowerPoint Requirements: Your PowerPoint should address the following topics:
The drug you chose
Any slang/street terms for that drug
Please include at least one picture of that drug
The classification of the drug (depressant, hallucinogenic, opiate, barbiturate, etc.)
Methods of Use (smoke, inject, oral, etc.) May be more than one way to use this drug.
The drug’s effect physically and psychologically. Please include how it impacts the physical body and any diseases or organs it specifically impacts/affects. For example, we know that alcoholism can cause cirrhosis.
What is the history of this drug? Plant based, chemical based, manmade? How and when was it first made or discovered and used throughout history? It is “legal” or “illegal” to use? Can it be used for other things – medicinally, chemically, etc.?
Trends of the drug: have there been times of heavier use? Lighter use? Is it used more in one part of the globe/country/state than others? What about over time – any differences in how popular the drug is or has been?
Media: How has media portrayed this drug? Is this drug mentioned in music? Videos? Films? If so, please list those that you want to highlight. For example, list a couple of songs or movies that reference this drug
Treatment Modalities: What treatment exists for this substance? Which ones have proved to be more successful?
AND FINALLY, please include as your last slide a resource/bibliography of all your sources. (textbooks, books, web addresses, etc.)
Please feel free to be creative in your approach. If you want to imbed music or video links in your presentation do so. Any information that you feel is important about the drug please include.
Remember to include or address all of the above points and proof (grammar and spell check) your PowerPoint slides.
**FOR THIS WEEKS ASSIGNMENT, due on Sunday, December 3 by 11:59 pm, please answer the following question: Marijuana
What drug are you choosing to research?
If you would like to upload as much of your PowerPoint you have completed at this point, that is fine. Otherwise, please just let me know what substance you are going to research/present. Let me know if you have questions.

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