Select a non-profit and/or social service program in the state where you reside.

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Select a non-profit and/or social service program in the state where you reside. Describe the history of the organization and provide a brief overview of its programs and services.

You will design a program that will aid the program you selected that would enhance the current program. For this Assignment you will need to describe the elements of the program you will design. Make sure you include all of the client-related variables, staff-related variables, and physical resources as you describe the elements of your program. In addition you will describe the throughputs, and service tasks.

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Part I Select a non-profit and/or social service program in the state where you reside. ( Let’s use: West Virginia SNAP ) Describe the history of the organization and provide a brief overview of its programs and services. You will design a program that will aid the program you selected that would enhance the current program. (I would like to design a program on healthy, smart, and affordable grocery shopping and meal selections for parents and children (ex. For children choosing healthy snacks) (parents buying healthy food making healthy meals, learning to use a cookbook, learning how to cook healthy meals. For this Assignment you will need to describe the elements of the program you will design. Make sure you include all of the client-related variables, staff-related variables, and physical resources as you describe the elements of your program. In addition, you will describe the throughputs, and service tasks. Part II Finally, you will apply all of the process steps for the program you are designing and explain how they will be followed with your program design. Process steps: Inputs—Resources (staff, funding, etc.) and raw materials (clients or consumers) Process—Activities that use inputs to achieve objectives with raw materials Outputs—Measurements of services provided and completion of all services prescribed Outcomes—Demonstrated benefits to those receiving service Impact— Measurable changes occurring in organizations, communities, or systems as a result of services Provide appropriate citations and references in APA format when referencing other outside source in your answers. Your Assignment should be 4-5 pages long.
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