Multiple choice geology exam

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I have attached all the questions. Please answer them in order from 1-50. Please hurry, I need this done in like 45 min, so please write each answer as you go thank you

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10) The destruction caused by earthquakes can involve: A) Fire B) Liquefaction C) Tsunami D) All of the above 11) Which type of volcano is the largest? A) Composite B) Stratovolcano C) Shield D) They are all the same size 12) Fluvial geomorphology involves: A) Glaciers B) Wind C) Waves D) Streams 13) Extrusive rock is also known as: A) Volcanic B) Intrusive C) Plutonic D) None of the above 14) Which of the below is an agent of erosion? A) Flowing water B) Glacial ice C) Wind D) All of the above 15) Which scale represents the distribution of damage by an earthquake, with values that can change with location? A) Richter B) Wegener C) Mercalli D) None of the above 16) Which of the below is not related to felsic magma? A) High silica B) High viscosity C) Explosive D) Shield 17) Transportation of rock material is performed by: A) Wind B) Glaciers C) Flowing water D) All of the above A) Intensity and duration 18) A strong building may eventually collapse as a result of an earthquake's: B) Erosion and transportation C) Viscosity and focus D) Strong buildings do not collapse in earthquakes 19) Triangulation is used for: A) Measuring the extent of a volcanic eruption B) Predicting a volcanic eruption C) Locating the epicenter of an earthquake D) Determining your distance from the epicenter of an earthquake A) Pyroclastic flow 20) Sudden vertical displacement of seafloor may cause: B) Tsunami C) Hot spot D) All of the above 21) An earthquake shakemap is useful for: A) Showing the extent of damage B) Showing the locational differences in damage C) Showing the epicenter D) All of the above 22) Why does the seawater at times move away from the coastline in association with a tsunami? A) Trough arrives first B) Crest arrives first C) Hot spot arrives first D) None of the above 23) With which type of plate boundary does volcanism not occur? A) Divergent B) Convergent C) Transform D) None of the above; volcanism occurs at all plate boundaries 24) Which is useful for determining the distance to the epicenter of an earthquake? A) Amount of damage B) Mercalli number C) Rate of fault slippage D) S-P arrival times 25) Hot spots are associated with: A) Material moving up to the surface from the mantle B) Volcanism C) Evidence of tectonic plate movement D) All of the above 26) A fracture which shows displacement is called: A) Hot spot B) Fault C) Deposition D) Caldera 27) Which describes the San Andreas Fault? A) Strike-slip fault B) Transform plate boundary C) Large magnitude earthquake forecasted D) All of the above 28) Which gas is emitted by a volcano during an eruption? A) Carbon dioxide B) Nitrogen C) Water vapor D) All of the above 29) The number one erosional agent is: A) Flowing water B) Wind C) Waves D) Glaciers 30) These seismic waves arrive at a seismometer first: AS B) P C) Q DR 31) Which type of volcano does not have steep slopes? A) Stratovolcano B) Shield C) Composite D) None of the above 32) What can a volcano emit during an eruption? A) Lava B) Pyroclastic flow C) Ash D) All of the above 33) Viscosity refers to: A) Resistance to flow B) Velocity of water C) Speed of seismic waves D) Hot spots 34) The study of the origin and development of landforms over time is called: A) Transportation B) Geomorphology C) Erosion D) Deposition 35) An explosive volcanic eruption is related to magma/lava that is: A) Iron rich B) Magnesium-rich C) Silica-rich D) Nitrogen-rich 1) Which of the below describes the type of magma and eruptive behavior of a shield volcano? A) Mafic; explosive B) Mafic; quiescent C) Felsic; explosive D) Felsic; quiescent 2) Silica contains: A) Magnesium B) Oxygen C) Iron D) All of the above 3) Faults with horizontal movement are called: A) Strike-slip B) Dip-slip C) Fault-slip D) All of the above 4) Which of the below is not something that a seismogram can provide? A) Distance from seismometer to epicenter B) Richter number C) Location of the epicenter an earthquake D) Amplitude 5) When soil liquefies during an earthquake, it is known as: A) Faulting B) Intensity C) Deposition D) Liquefaction 6) The Hawaiian Islands are an example of: A) Hot spot B) Plutonic rock C) Explosive volcanism D) None of the above 7) Aeolian geomorphology examines landforms shaped by: A) Wind B) Waves C) Glaciers D) Streams 8) Seismic waves are generated at the: A) Shield B) Caldera C) Focus D) Epicenter 9) Gases tend to be trapped in which type of magma? A) High viscosity; high silica B) Low viscosity; high silica C) High viscosity; low silica D) Low viscosity; low silica True/False (Mark “A” for True, “B” for False) 36) A pyroclastic flow is a fluvial process. 37) When a seismogram shows the spacing between S-P arrival times as closer together, this means that the epicenter is farther away. 38) Volcanoes can emit gases during an eruption. 39) Mt. Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii in a quiescent eruption. 40) Two seismograms total are needed to find an earthquake's epicenter. 41) A caldera is associated with volcanoes. 42) Erosion is the process of depositing large quantities of sediments. 43) The epicenter of an earthquake is its geographical surface location. 44) The Richter number varies with location for a given earthquake. 45) Glaciers erode, transport, and deposit rock material over time. 46) Not all countries have building standards that attempt to prevent collapse in the event of an earthquake. 47) A seismograph needle barely moves when there is a large magnitude earthquake. 48) Fires can start when natural gas lines and water lines rupture during an earthquake. 49) Erosion, transportation, and deposition along a coastline are related to the activity of waves. 50) Hot spots move around frequently.
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