Philosophy 110 Briefly describe the scene in Plato's Apology

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Write a 3-5 page, double spaced essay addressing one of the following topics: You must answer those questions within the paragraph

Essay Choice A

1) Briefly describe the scene in Plato's Apology.

2) What are the charges against Socrates?(Hint: there are 2)

3) How does Socrates defend himself against the charges? In other words, how does he explain or defend himself?

4) Do you think Socrates was successful in proving his innocence? Why or why not?

Essay Choice B

1) Describe Descartes’ project of doubt. Why is he embarking on these meditations?

2) Describe the arguments he uses to show why we cannot trust our knowledge.

3) Next, explain the point he is trying to make with the example of the wax.

4) Finally, what is the one indubitable truth that he discovers as a result of this process?

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Explanation & Answer




Plato’s Apology
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The Apology comprises of Socrates’ defense words as remembered by Plato. It is an
authentic account that has been preserved to allow individuals such as philosophers to
understand how Socrates defended himself against the charges presented to the Athenian
Council. Throughout the Apology, Plato gives an account of how Socrates was able to argue why
he was not guilty of the charges of impiety and corruption as accused. Despite his defensive
arguments, Socrates was not able to show his innocence in the court since he was found guilty of
the charges presented in the Athenian Council.
In Plato’s Apology, the information contained in it consists of the words of Socrates that
he used in his defense. As a student, Plato was able to gather almost all the information from
Socrates speech as he tried to defend his actions. According to Plato Socrates was a great hero,
and as such, the words presented in the Apology are what Plato believes to be correct about his
teacher. The contents of Plato’s Apology are shown in different parts.
In the beginning, the Apology covers the introductory statement presented by Socrates in
the court. The opening statement is a short speech that consists of Socrates apology for the
manner in which he is about to give his defensive arguments. Socrates claims that he will use a
colloquial style to present his ar...

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