CIPD 4DEP Activity 2

timer Asked: Dec 16th, 2017

Question Description

You work for a growing organisation and your HR manager has decided to formalise the service offered to the organisation by publishing a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Outline a SLA for an HR or L&D department describing how to build and maintain effective service delivery. Ensure that you cover: 1. Building and maintaining good relationships by identifying three needs of those who use a HR or L&D service within an organisation and how you would prioritise these needs to avoid conflict and deliver a timely service. 2. Identify at least three methods of communication and for each method explain the advantage and disadvantage of using these methods to respond to your customer’s needs. 3. Describe how you would gather feedback and service performance data in order to provide management information on service levels and how you would use this data to continuously improve your service.

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