choose a unique product from other country and bring that product to Oman. you have to mention the product?

timer Asked: Dec 23rd, 2017

Question Description

1. Introduction

2. literature Review

3. international marketing

4. Achieving international marketing Objectives/ strategies

5. Conclusion

6. Academic references

7. 2500 words

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Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions E-commerce Security: Challenges and Solutions By (Name) Name of the Course Tutors University Name City/State Department Date 1 Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 2 E-commerce security: challenges and solutions Introduction The outburst businesses of the e-commerce have deemed the growth of various online trades globally in the recent past. Consumers these days have decided on the online trade that is significantly expediency compared to usual transactions. E-commerce ventures provide more gains, relating to "bricks-and-mortar" usual enterprises; however, there are a number of challenges and issues faced by the e-commerce ventures. Among key challenges are the readiness, trust, and security. However, the arrangement of the Internet with e-commerce practice has produced a novel online setting that is tremendously effective and efficient. The viability features provided by e-commerce has promptly transformed the manner in which enterprises communicate to one another, governments and consumers; however, application of ecommerce on macro and micro enterprises; service sectors has a notable blow on industrial performance. Thus this paper illustrates major challenges with issues of e-commerce; the paper as well entails a review of the proposed solutions to such kinds of challenges. LITERATURE REVIEW A number of researchers defined e-commerce in various versions. According to Krishnan et al. (2017, p. 12) defined e-commerce as purchase of goods or services carried out over supercomputer networks by techniques exclusively designed for receiving and placing orders. The goods and services are ordered through such kinds of methods, although payment and delivery of such goods and services are not done online. According to Krishnan et al. (2017, p. 12) also said that, e-commerce deal might be between households, enterprises, individuals, Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 3 public and private organizations or between governments. The type of transaction is defined through methods of placing an order, and orders are made through facsimile, manually typed the e-mail or telephone calls. There are a number of trusts Solutions of these menaces. Mullah, Azad and Vasilakos, (2017, p. 234), anticipated that a trusted structure for social trade which comprise of Ease of Use, Usefulness, Security, Privacy, E-word of mouth and Website Design should be design to end up the menace. The study which entails S-commerce is as well pertinent for E-commerce since it’s a compartment of E-commerce. But according to the Krishnan et al. (2017, p. 111), usefulness is a scale to which consumer recognizes commerce location to be helpful and user’s perception and decision to business deal are affected by such factors. Similarly, another factor which influences online trust is ease of exploit. Turban et al. (2017, p. 205) affirmed that a prominent effort to be made in improving e website quality and develop recognition of the third-party (TPR). This can be efficiently done by use of age with gender as control variables; their investigation is to examine trust in C2C e-commerce. Young generation is affected by quality of e-commerce website which influences them in becoming real purchasers of online. Thus E-commerce trade could come up with a special strategy to outfit for diverse target of customer’s age. For the websites of TPR, E-commerce have alternatives to apply third-party seals of endorsements such as BBBOnline and TRUSTe for supporting privacy seals because users deem them imperative and are more possibly to offer a prudent solution Turban et al. (2017, p. 207). In a definite security solution, Turban et al. (2017, p. 240) affirmed that, all system of ecommerce must have stern security measures since it is among the most essential features for e- Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 4 business. Thus measures of security must be used at all phases including internal networks of enterprise, business applications, front-end servers and clients, and furthermore information and data interactions. On the same note, Jonah, (2017, p. 434) also affirmed that, trust factors for e-commerce might be measured by item described in the service manner, website and time of shipping products or services. Thus applying as method for study, the researcher presented weaknesses found in Taobao system of rating. is C2C online China’s largest marketplace where about 95 percent of business deal originates from China. Krishnan et al. (2017, p. 12) says that in 2011, total business deals online was about 700 billion Yuan; and because nearly all C2C ventures in China has adopted same trust models same as Taobao, researcher proposed a few countermeasures and are not limited to coefficient of time attenuation, price weight of transaction, weighted trust factors are believed to overcome disadvantages of Taobao adopted trust techniques. On the other hand, Jonah, (2017, p. 421) supports Readiness Solution to encourage enterprises, SMEs in particular, adopting technologies of e-commerce, the teamwork between partners of industry and the government. Also, industry partners and government should assist SMEs to put up and maintain structures, governance and domestic organizational resources to fit properly with the technologies of e-commerce DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS The researcher adopted quantitative mode in collecting and examining data on the challenges and solution of E-commerce. The collected results were interpreted and analyzed through tabular form. In mitigating measures of challenges of the E-commerce, the choice of the Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 5 research was quantitative approach. This approach was deemed fit because of the pathway loom utilized by economists and scientists in analyzing secondary-data. The quantitative mode in due course provides response to challenges of the E-commerce. Thus after conducting a research, it was discovered that, solving challenges of E-commerce needs collaboration among various parties. This is because, SMEs in particular, adopting technologies of e-commerce using teamwork between partners of industry and the government. Also, all industrial partners and government should assistSMEs to put up and maintain structures, governance and domestic organizational resources to fit properly with the technologies of e-commerce. Therefore, in this case, 10 classmates and 10 tutors took part in answering questionnaires. A questionnaire consistent similar items that in the due course, the researcher got similar and related responses. In this particular case, random sampling technique was adopted to arrive at the obligatory sample size. As such, researcher assigned numbers to tickets having names of 10 tutors and 10 class mates. Researcher therefore, thereafter mixes the contents thoroughly in a container and then picked them as sample numbers. The method was appropriate since provided equal chances to all participants to be selected. The following table is the results based on gender, and age bracket The question was whether the proposed measures could be able to mitigate challenges of the Ecommerce. Age brackets Tutors Gender Class mates Responses Below15 Nil Male 3 Positive Between 15 to 18 Nil Female 2 Negative Between 18 to 21 Nil Female 4 Positive Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 6 Between 21 to 25 Nil Male 1 Positive Between 25 to 28 Nil Female Nil N/A Between 30 to 40 3 Female Nil Positive 45 and above 7 Male Nil Positive Results and discussion of the tabulated results above Only three male classmates with ages 14, 15 and 15 respectively supported mitigation measures that were raised in the research study. While between ages 15 and 18 were only two female classmates who took part with a similar response on the proposed mitigation measures. Furthermore, between 18 and 21 were 4 female class mates who took part and all of them had positive responses in the support of the proposed mitigation measures on the challenges of the Ecommerce. While between 21 and 25, the results indicates that only one male class mate tool part and she as well concurred with the proposed solution mitigation measures on the challenges of the E-commerce. Similarly, for the age bracket of 25 and 28 none of the participants who took part were picked within this age bracket. Between age 30 and 40 three female tutors were found to have a positive feedback that supported the proposed solution mitigation measures on the challenges of the E-commerce. While on the same note, 45 and above were 7 tutors had a positive feedback in support of the proposed solution mitigation measures on the challenges of the E-commerce. Conclusion and trends of the results In conclusion, the trend on the table indicates that, the proposed mitigation measures are prudent and need imperative support from all stakeholders of E-commerce. The trend of unanimous Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 7 support is an authentic demonstration of the best ideas that, Readiness Solution to encourage enterprises, SMEs in particular, adopting technologies of e-commerce, the teamwork between partners of industry and government must as well take its due course. Industrial partners and government should assist SMEs to put up and maintain structures, governance and domestic organizational resources to fit properly with the technologies of e-commerce. According to the researchers, usefulness is a scale to which consumer recognizes commerce location to be helpful and user’s perception and decision to business deal is affected by such factors. CONCLUSION In conlusion, as the digital market is intensifying swiftly and affecting a number of enterprise transactions, it is significant to take into deliberation the anticipated solutions on the issues with challenges of e-commerce trade. Even despite the fact that, e-commerce enterprises are from many types, fundamentally shares common challenges and issues. The viability features provided by e-commerce has promptly transformed the manner in which enterprises communicate to one another, and with governments and consumers. The usage of e-commerce on macro and micro enterprises; along with service sectors has a notable blow on industrial performance. At many a times, businesses do not take satisfactory steps to alleviate security menaces at the onset and for this reason issues come to pass. It is very significant for trade to defend itself from hackers in addition to dappled activities such as phishing by having protected payment modes and land mark to maintain customer information in safe hands. Security must not be added at ends of website improvement phases, but instead, it should be placed at the commencement of ecommerce website design. Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 8 Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions 9 List of References Krishnan, S., Santos, I., Murrain, S., Amelia, N., Sami, S. and Hafizes, W.N., 2017. E-commerce Issues on Customer’s Awareness in Malaysia. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(1), pp.8-12. Mollah, M.B., Azad, M.A.K. and Vasilakos, A., 2017. Security and privacy challenges in mobile cloud computing: Survey and way ahead. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Turban, E., Outland, J., King, D., Lee, J.K., Liang, T.P. and Turban, D.C., 2017. Mobile commerce and the internet of things. In Electronic Commerce 2018 (pp. 205-248). Springer, Cham. Yonah, Z.O., 2017. Challenges That Restrict The Efficiencies Of Security Frameworks In ECommerce: A Review. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 15(3), p.434. APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE PART ONE: DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS 1. Age bracket? 21 – 30 years 31 – 40 years 41 – 50 years 2. Gender? Male 3. Professional qualification Female 50 and above Running head: E-commerce security: Challenges and Solutions Certificate Diploma Degree 10 Masters PhD 4. Work experience 15 – 20 years 20-25 years 25 – 30 years 31 and above PART TWO Does your business have reported challenges of E-commerce? Yes No 5. What are major prevalent issues of E-commerce? Hackers Mistrust Money Scum 6. Do your firm support current solutions of E-commerce challenges? Supported Not supported 7. Are challenges reported through secondary parties? Directly Secondary parties International Marketing BSB10186-6 Marking Scheme Name Student ID No. Criteria Introduction Weight 15 1 35 2 International Marketing Environment Description a. Description of the selected product and its current stage in product life cycle and discussion whether the selected market will apply standardisation or adaptation. b. Background of the chosen country as regards to their marketing environment indicate only the important information about the country's political, legal, technological, economics and cultural scenario). a. Identify and discuss at least (3) modes of entry to be used in the international marketing arena. b. Evaluate the impact or effects of the three (3) modes of entry strategy used in relation to marketing your product. a. Identify and discuss two (2) target market strategies in developing a marketing plan. b. Critically analyse the effectiveness of the two (2) target market strategies in relation to marketing. C. Identify and evaluate the degree of risk involved. Suggestion of the ways to minimise if not eliminating the risk identified. Summary of discussion and recommendations. 35 3 Achieving International Marketing Objectives/ Strategies 4 Conclusion 10 5 5 Academic references Varied references following the Harvard referencing system in an appropriate manner (minimum 10 references) Total 100 First Marker: Second Marker Version 2 Page 7
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