revised treatment plan and essay part 2

timer Asked: Jan 3rd, 2018

Question Description

Since the initial treatment plan, several changes have taken place within Eliza’s case. Since the mandatory assessment two weeks ago, you have discovered that Eliza is again on your client listing for the day due to a mandatory evaluation, with the incident report indicating that campus public safety, due to a tip from a concerned resident, found the client passed out and alone in her dorm, smelling of alcohol.

Part 2: In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, answer the questions presented in a separate Word document, addressing the following:

  1. Examine the case and propose why the changes occurred.
  2. Reassess the effectiveness and validity of the treatment plan.
  3. Discuss how the treatment plan needs to be adjusted to address the changes in the situation.
  4. Justify the changes both ethically and legally.
  5. Determine what the changes (obstacles) mean to the treatment plan.
  6. Discuss how you would evaluate the resources available for you to make a referral.
  7. Discuss how you would communicate to the client the need for referrals to other providers.
  8. Determine which referrals you would make and which you might suggest to the client.
  9. Include any instruments you would use to assess the client.

Submit the revised treatment plan and essay.


Schwitzer, A., & Rubin, L. (2015). Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Skills. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.

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