Need Help in Business(Staffing Class)

timer Asked: Jan 12th, 2018

Question Description

Group Research Paper ( Paper should be about Apple)

Your term paper will focus on a business organization with which you are familiar with and to which you have access on web or through other means. You will design a strategy to identify, select, recruit, train and retain suitable staff for that organization. Findings will be documented in the Term Paper and presented. Emphasis will be on understanding of the problems, critical evaluation as well as the ability to clearly communicate proposed solutions. The details of the Term Paper will be discussed in the first week of the semester. Your Term Paper should exhibit your knowledge and understanding of staffing related issues. All students will be expected to create a (group) presentation, highlighting major research findings, using visual aids e.g. PowerPoint, film, video, exercises, etc. The term paper will be graded according to the attached rubric.

  • 12 to 16 pages
  • Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point Font
  • APA
  • 6 to 10 sources/references including your book



Company History

Mission, Vision and Values of the Organization

Company Strategy

SWOT Analysis

Importance of Effective Staffing (What it means?)

Recruitment Plan (Internal and/or External)

Current Selection Process Analysis

Overview of Competition’s Selection Process

New Selection Program-Recommendations

Training Recommendations

Retention Plan


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