policy analysis

User Generated




Select 4 policies from the list below to apply the case study

  • Policy Analysis Process of Identification & Definition
  • Policy Analysis Process of Health Technology Assessment
  • Policy Analysis Process of Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Policy Analysis Process of Evaluation of Political Feasibility
  • Policy Analysis Process of Evaluation of Economic Viability
  • Policy Analysis Process of Analysis of Values
  • Implementation Strategy and Planning

Policy response to the problem of suicide in Australia (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  • Provide details on the other policy processes that were not utilized in your research from the list above. How could they be applied? Why would they be applicable?
  • All applicable information from previous weeks must be included.
  • A conclusion MUST be included at the end of the paper summarizing the key aspects of health policy.

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Explanation & Answer




Policy Analysis
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Policy analysis is a method used by public administrators to do examination and
evaluation of the options in hand for the implementation of the aims of the law to be enacted.
Policy analysis is not only used by public administrators, like civil servants but also used by the
management of large entities, which always have to partake complex policies for the efficient
running of these organizations. Therefore, policy analysis can be well termed as the evaluation
done on strategies to examine the practicability of the policy performance in a bid to respond to
the extreme conditions. In this case, policy analysis is a method used to gauge the use of
Australian policy to reduce suicide cases in the country. There are four policy analysis processes
involved in public policing: Five ‘E' approach, the process model, the rational model,
incremental policy model. There are policy analysis processes that can as well be used, but they
don't fall under the public policy evaluation methods. They include; the group, model, the
competing models like empirical vs. normative policy analyses. The paper follows on the four
policy analysis models that could be used to evaluate the performance of the policy used by
Australia in response to the increase of the suicide incidents (Dunn, 2016).
According to the Australian suicide problem, suicide has been the primary cause of
Australian males aged blow forty-four years and females below thirty-four years of age from the
twentieth century. The deaths of this productive age group have proven to be of negative
economic impact. The suicide rates stand at sixteen points for percent per every one hundred
thousand people. Being a complex problem, the explanations for the high suicide incidents
remains difficult. According to the National Health Priority Area of Australia, mental disorder is
the major risk factor for the suicide cases. Being the primary cause, these psychiatric disorders



have been the primary suicide prevention measure. Although, mental disease is the leading cause
of suicides in Australia there are other causes of death in Australia including proximal causes
and different personal reasons. Due to the diversity of the relationship between the full ranges of
factors it has been hard for researchers to determine the causal relationships.
Due to the increase in suicide, incidents, the government's concern was drawn, this led to
the intervention by the formation of a panel of experts to strategize he suicide prevention
strategies. The experts came up with five domains that will help respond to the increased cases
of suicide amongst the youths. The areas included: creating awareness and educating the public
about death, coming up with investigative methods for the high-risk people, government
sponsorship free psychiatric treatment to people who had earlier on made suicide attempts, to
prevent them from making such efforts again. Moreover, there was to be a restriction to lethal
means like the possession of weapons by the public or person(s) who were more vulnerable.
Lastly, was to ensure the media accessed first-hand information about any suicidal attempts or
suicide incidents. From the above review, the experts narrowed down to restricted access to
dangerous weapons and the free education offered to depressed people as the primary approaches
that could be used to respond to the suicide problem.
By Australian government implemented a suicide prevention strategy by coming up with,
a by NSPS (The National Suicide Prevention Strategy) to address the risk factors involved in the
suicide cases in Australia. This was followed by a framework Living Is For Everyone with their
strategies. Although all they had been set up by the government, there was growing concern that
the reform especially the mental disorder had failed to yield results as the suicide occurrences
had not decreased. This followed the intervention of the Commonwealth government to assist in
the funding of NSPS. The provision of free psychiatric care to individuals who had survived



previous suicide incidents had resulted in inefficient services. With the many shortcomings of
the response, several sug...

Awesome! Perfect study aid.


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