Select this quote to use with your Reflection Essay “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” Hippocrates.

timer Asked: Jan 22nd, 2018

Question Description

Select this quote to use with your Reflection Essay “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” Hippocrates....

Compose a short 2‐3 paragraph reflection (250‐500 words) describing how one of these quotes is relevant to your nutrition and health. Include at least two references from the readings in the text, chapter 1 & 2 that serve to illustrate or support your viewpoint, using the page number from the text when you do so. Please make sure your name and ID number are on the paper. You will need to submit your essay in a PDF format to the Assignment #1 folder in D2L.

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Assignment One: Reflection Essay (250‐500 words) 20 pts. Select one of the following quotes to use with your Reflection Essay “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” Hippocrates or “The frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives” ‐ Chinese Proverb or “You are what what you eat eats ‐ Michael Pollen WHAT: Compose a short 2‐3 paragraph reflection (250‐500 words) describing how one of these quotes is relevant to your nutrition and health. Include at least two references from the readings in the text, chapter 1 & 2 that serve to illustrate or support your viewpoint, using the page number from the text when you do so. Please make sure your name and ID number are on the paper. You will need to submit your essay in a PDF format to the Assignment #1 folder in D2L. Essay 250‐500 words (just a range, can be >) 10 pts 2 References (can quote and use page numbers in text) 5 pts Writing‐ spelling, grammar 5 pts 20 pts
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