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1) Watch the videos below. What does the white Oklahoman response to Greenwood (the riots and the aftermath) reveal about their attitudes toward the success of black communities? How would you attempt to heal this community? The 10,000 residences of Greenwood were thriving successful black professionals that own business and homes and had families. Unfortunately, the whites hated them for being successful and productive individuals and by any means necessary they wanted to destroy them all even the innocent kids. Even though this tragic thing happens, and I certainly think someone should be held accountable and the survivors and the descendant should receive some monetary payment for their pain and suffering. But they still have individuals today saying let it go, leave the pass in the pass is a statement from Bill Graves. It’s been well over 75 years and attitudes in Greenwood have not change. I’m not sure you can fix the community, but I think a great start is to admit the act that was committed was terrible and unfair to those residents. I also think it should be made public on how bad hate can get to the point that a whole town can be burned down, and hundreds of people killed because people don’t like you. I think he acts that was committed was an act of genocide which is the ultimate expression of hatred and violence against a group of people.

*2) Next, watch the second video, how might the people of Greenwood respond to someone promoting "respectability politics"? Where have you heard these arguments in support of "respectability politics" in regard to African Americans and inequality over the past several years? The politics of respectability and this is the key thing about it, gives you a moral authority to say to the outside world, "I am worthy of respect. You don't respect me, but I'm worthy of respect. You don't treat me like an equal person, but I know that I am an equal person, and because I am an equal person, I'm going to fight for my rights. I'm going to demand equality. I'm not going to let you treat me like a second-class citizen." I believe this is the way the residents of Greenwood interpreted this. Today I believe the football protest represent a protest for respectability politics, because if we are supposed to respect a flag for equal rights why are we not being treated equally, we constantly as a people of color are being shot or mistreated because of our skin color. Our fight for equal rights has been long and hard but we’ve made progress, we’ve come a long way but we still have a long way to go until everyone is treated equally.

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