Matlab and Simulink exercise

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write me a good report that includes the matlab and simulink details.

send me the matlab and simulink files but the word document should include every thing.

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MATLAB/Simulink Proficiency Project In this project you are required to: • Select two system of your own (one second and one third order or higher). - One system with Oscillatory step response (With complex poles) . - One (critically damped or over-damped). - Preferably a real system. • Simulate the systems using MATLAB • Simulate the systems using Simulink • Superimpose your results and compare. Required tasks: 1. A professionally written report in document word. 2. It is your responsibility to convince me, with the results you provide, that your system works properly. 100% of total grade on: Quality Content Design/Analysis Results Write-up 10 20 40 10 20
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