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Biometrics 73, 214–219 March 2017 DOI: 10.1111/biom.12565 Ordinal Probability Effect Measures for Group Comparisons in Multinomial Cumulative Link Models Alan Agresti1, * and Maria Kateri2, ** 1 Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32605, U.S.A. 2 Institute of Statistics, RWTH Aachen University, D-52056 Aachen, Germany ∗ email: ∗∗ email: Summary. We consider simple ordinal model-based probability effect measures for comparing distributions of two groups, adjusted for explanatory variables. An “ordinal superiority” measure summarizes the probability that an observation from one distribution falls above an independent observation from the other distribution, adjusted for explanatory variables in a model. The measure √applies directly to normal linear models and to a normal latent variable model for ordinal response variables. It equals (β/ 2) for the corresponding ordinal model that applies a probit link function to cumulative multinomial probabilities, for standard normal cdf  and effect β that is the coefficient of the group indicator variable. For the more general latent variable model for ordinal responses that corresponds to a linear model with other possible error distributions and corresponding link functions for cumulative multinomial probabilities, the √ ordinal superiority measure equals exp(β)/[1 + exp(β)] with the log–log √ link and equals approximately exp(β/ 2)/[1 + exp(β/ 2)] with the logit link, where β is the group effect. Another ordinal superiority measure generalizes the difference of proportions from binary to ordinal responses. We also present related measures directly for ordinal models for the observed response that need not assume corresponding latent response models. We present confidence intervals for the measures and illustrate with an example. Key words: Cumulative logit model; Cumulative probit model; Mann–Whitney statistic; Ordinal multinomial models; Proportional odds; Stochastic ordering. 1. Introduction This article considers simple ordinal effect summaries for model-based comparison of two groups on an ordinal categorical response variable, while adjusting for other explanatory variables. Unlike standard summaries using nonlinear measures such as probits and odds ratios that can be difficult for practitioners to interpret, the proposed measures are based merely on probabilities and their differences. The summary measures generalize two “ordinal superiority” measures that compare two groups without supplementary explanatory variables. Let y1 and y2 denote independent random variables from groups denoted by A and B, for a quantitative or ordinal categorical scale. The measure  = P(y1 > y2 ) − P(y2 > y1 ). (1) summarizes their relative size. For binary responses with outcomes (0, 1), this simplifies to the difference of proportions, P(y1 = 1) − P(y2 = 1). If y1 and y2 are identically distributed, then  = 0.0. For discrete response variables, such as ordinal categorical responses, a related measure that has null value equal to 0.50 rather than 0 is γ = P(y1 > y2 ) + 214 1 P(y1 = y2 ) 2 (2) (Klotz, 1966). The correction factor adjusts for ties to generate a null value of 0.50. The measures are functionally related, γ = ( + 1)/2,  = 2γ − 1, with γ and  having ranges [0, 1] and [−1, 1], respectively. They are most meaningful when the groups are stochastically ordered, such as when they differ by a location shift on some scale. For details for ordinal categorical response scales, see Agresti (2010, Chap. 2). The measures relate directly to the information used in the Mann–Whitney statistic. For example, issue 4 of Volume 25 of Statistics in Medicine in 2006, which is devoted to that statistic and its uses and extensions, contains several articles that use such measures. The ordinal effect measures discussed in this article use such probabilities in the context of modeling ordinal response variables while adjusting for explanatory variables. Section 2 introduces the measures for normal linear models that contain an indicator term for the groups, because linear models serve as latent variable models for ordinal response data. Section 3 presents related measures for a standard model for an ordinal response variable that applies a link function such as the probit or logit to cumulative probabilities, utilizing its connection with the latent variable model for various error distributions. Section 4 presents an example, also showing how to use © 2016, The International Biometric Society Ordinal Probability Effect Measures R software to easily construct confidence intervals for the measures. Section 5 presents related ordinal effect measures for cumulative link models in terms of the observed response, instead of a latent response. Section 6 discusses the applicability of the measures and suggests extensions for other models. 2. Ordinal Superiority Measures for Normal Linear Models We first consider normal linear models that have explanatory variables in addition to a binary group indicator variable. At explanatory variable values x = (x1 , . . . , xp )T , let y1 denote the response variable for an observation in group A and let y2 denote an independent response for an observation in group B. Using the model-based conditional distributions on y for the two groups at x, let  = P(y1 > y2 ; x) − P(y2 > y1 ; x). With no explanatory variables other than the group indicator, this simplifies to (1). An analog of the ordinal superiority measure (2) is which is merely P(y1 > y2 ; x) when the response is continuous. The measures are useful summaries when no substantive interaction occurs between the group variable and the explanatory variables. Let z be a group indicator for an observation, where z = 1 for group A and z = 0 for group B. These ordinal measures have simple form for the ordinary normal linear model y = β0 + βz + xT βx + , with βx = (β1 , . . . , βp )T and  ∼ N(0, σ 2 ). For this model, the difference between the conditional means of y1 and y2 at x is β, and  (y1 − y2 ) − β −β √ > √ 2σ 2σ √ 2(β̂/ 2s) − 1. A confidence interval (L, U) for the standardized difference β/σ in the normal linear √ model √yields a corresponding confidence interval ((L/ 2), (U/ 2)) for γ, which then also yields one for . For the model matrix X for the linear model, let v denote the element in the row and column of (XT X)−1 corresponding to the effect parameter β for comparing the two groups. √ For testing H0 : β = 0 using the usual t statistic, t = β̂/s v, consider the noncentrality parameter λ= β √ . σ v Let (λ̂L , λ̂U ) denote the standard confidence interval for λ for √ this√ test (Lehmann, 1986, p. 352). Then, since λ = (β/ 2σ)( √ 2/v), √ it follows that the confidence interval (L, U) for β/ 2σ is v/2(λ̂L , λ̂U ). Applying  to these endpoints yields the confidence interval for γ. Hayter (2012) presented more general confidence intervals, and Tian (2008) presented confidence intervals for group comparisons when the groups have different variances. 3. γ = ( + 1)/2, γ = P(y1 > y2 ; x) = P 215   β = √ 2σ  . This formula applies regardless of the values x of the √ explanatory variables. Likewise,  = 2(β/ 2σ) − 1. Differences between the normal conditional standardized means for the two groups taking values β/σ equal to 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, correspond to γ equal to 0.50, 0.64, 0.76, 0.92, 0.98, respectively. Analogous measures apply when interaction occurs between the group indicator and an explanatory variable, or when the variance is allowed to be nonconstant, but then the values of the measures depend on the value of that explanatory variable. The standardized difference β/σ has seen longtime use in the literature for comparing two groups (e.g., Lehmann, 1975, p. 71). The corresponding ordinal superiority measures have also been used in a general regression context (e.g., Brumback et al., 2006, Thas et al., 2012). In practice, with least squares estimate β̂ in the linear model and residual standard deviation s, we√ can estimate ˆ = the ordinal group comparisons by γ̂ = (β̂/ 2s) and  Ordinal Superiority Measures for Ordinal Latent Variable Models When y is a c-category ordinal response variable, the most popular models are special cases of the cumulative link model link[P(y ≤ j)] = αj − βz − xT βx , j = 1, . . . , c − 1, (3) for link functions such as the logit, probit, or log–log and complementary log–log (McCullagh, 1980). It is often sensible to regard an ordinal categorical variable as necessarily crude measurement of a continuous latent variable y∗ that, if we could observe it, would be the response variable in an ordinary linear model. The cumulative link model is implied by a model in which a latent response has conditional distribution with cdf given by the inverse of the link function and with mean βz + xT βx (Anderson and Philips, 1981). The normal latent variable model with y∗ ∼ N(βz + T x βx , 1) implies the cumulative probit model −1 [P(y ≤ j)] = αj − βz − xT βx , with {αj } being cutpoints on the underlying scale and  being the standard normal cdf. The ordinal superiority measures apply directly to this latent variable model. Let y1∗ and y2∗ denote independent underlying latent variables at x when z = 1 and when z = 0, respectively. For this model,  γ = P(y1∗ > y2∗ ; x) = P    (y1∗ − y2∗ ) − β β −β √ = √ , > √ 2 2 2 √ regardless of x values, and  = 2(β/ 2) − 1. The logit link and corresponding cumulative logit model relate to underlying logistic distributions, for which such a simple expression does not occur. However, because of the very close similarity of logit and probit model fits, estimates of the corresponding measures for that logistic latent variable model are very similar to estimates for the normal latent 216 Biometrics, March 2017 variable model. For a cumulative logit model with proportional odds structure and maximum likelihood estimate β̂ of the group effect, we can use numerical integration or simulate pairs of observations from the relevant logistic distributions to closely approximate the maximum likelihood estimate of the probability for the difference of latent logistic random variables. In practice, though, it is adequate to approximate the distribution of y1∗ − y2∗ by a √ logistic distribution with parameter β and scale parameter 2, for which √ exp(β/ 2) √ , γ≈ [1 + exp(β/ 2)] or to fit the corresponding cumulative probit model and use the closed-form results for it. For ordinal responses, log–log and complementary log–log links are appropriate when we expect underlying latent variables to have extreme-value distributions. If in the latent variable model, the errors are independent extreme-value random variables (i.e., the standard Gumbel cdf F () = exp[− exp(−)]), then their difference has the standard logistic distribution (McFadden, 1974). For a model with log–log link and coefficient β for the group indicator, it follows that γ = P(y1∗ > y2∗ ; x) = exp(β) , [1 + exp(β)] when the scale parameter of the underlying extreme-value distributions is 1. For γ and  for the latent variable model with an ordinal response variable, simple confidence intervals result directly from ordinary confidence intervals for β for the corresponding ordinal cumulative link model. For example, if [β̂L , β̂U ] is a profile-likelihood or Wald confidence interval for β in the cumulative probit model based on a multinomial likelihood, √ the corresponding confidence interval for γ is [(β̂L / 2), √ (β̂U / 2)]. 4. Example for Cumulative Link Models We illustrate the ordinal superiority measures with an example from Agresti (2015, Section 6.3.3) on a study of mental health. It relates a four-category response variable measuring mental impairment (1 = well, 2 = mild symptom formation, 3 = moderate symptom formation, 4 = impaired) to a binary indicator of socioeconomic status (SES: 1 = high, 0 = low) and a quantitative life-events (LE) index taking values on the nonnegative integers between 0 and 9 with mean 4.3 and standard deviation 2.7. The n = 40 observations are available at aa/glm/data. For the cumulative probit model corresponding to a normal latent variable model, the maximum likelihood fit is −1 [P̂(y ≤ j)] = α̂j + 0.68336(SES) − 0.19535(LE). To compare the √ two levels of SES using β̂1 = −0.68336, we ˆ = −0.371. The ordinal can use γ̂ = (β̂1 / 2) = 0.314 and  superiority measure γ̂ has the interpretation that at any particular value for life events, there is about a 1/3 chance of lower mental impairment at low SES than at high SES. The 95% profile likelihood confidence interval for β1 yields confidence intervals (0.161, 0.507) for γ and (−0.678, 0.015) for . Table 1 shows how simple it is to use software such as R to obtain a confidence interval for γ for the SES effect. Here, we fitted the cumulative probit model using the cml function of the R–package ordinal (Christensen, 2011). Similarly, we can use these measures to compare two levels of the life events measure. For the highest and lowest levels (0 √ and 9), γ̂ = (9β̂2 / 2) = 0.893, with 95% profile likelihood confidence interval (0.653, 0.983), suggesting a very strong effect. Table 1 R code and output (edited) for finding confidence interval for ordinal superiority measure γ for SES effect in cumulative probit model with mental impairment data > Mental Mental 1 impair ses life 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 9 ... 40 4 0 9 > attach(Mental) > library(ordinal) # library(ordinal) requires response to be a factor > impair.f probit.m summary(probit.m) # we don’t show cutpoint parameter estimates Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ses -0.68336 0.36411 -1.877 0.06055 . life 0.19535 0.06887 2.837 0.00456 > Like.CI.b1 Like.CI.gamma k  π1j (x0 )π2k (x0 ), (4) k>j and γ(x0 ) =  j>k π1j (x0 )π2k (x0 ) + 1 π1j (x0 )π2j (x0 ). 2 (5) j ˆ 0 ) and γ̂(x0 ) replace the Corresponding sample values (x probabilities in (4) and (5) by the corresponding fitted values {π̂1j (x0 )} and {π̂2j (x0 )} for the model. Unlike the measures for the latent variable models, these measures have values depending on x0 . In practice, we could report them and their confidence intervals at a representative x0 value, such as the overall mean x̄. Or, if the sample x values are representative of the population of interest, a summary approach estimates the measures at the x value for each obser- Table 2 R code and output (edited) for finding confidence interval for ordinal superiority measure γ for SES effect in normal linear model with mental impairment data > summary(lm(impair ~ ses + life)) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.91973788 0.33785712 5.68210 1.6924e-06 ses -0.64500836 0.32915094 -1.95961 0.0576069 . life 0.17778169 0.06060938 2.93324 0.0057285 --Residual standard error: 1.02696 on 37 degrees of freedom > library(MBESS) > conf.limits.nct(-0.64501/0.32915, df=37, conf.level=0.95) $Lower.Limit [1] -3.956887716 $Upper.Limit [1] 0.06278409435 > v pnorm(sqrt(v/2)*(-3.956887)); pnorm(sqrt(v/2)*(0.062784)) [1] 0.1849219812 [1] 0.5056763573 218 Biometrics, March 2017 vation, and then averages them. Let xi denote the explanatory component vector for observation i, and let π ij = π j (xi ), for = 1, 2, i = 1, . . . , n, and j = 1, . . . , c. Summary ordinal superiority measures are ∗ = 1 1 i and γ ∗ = γi , n n i (6) i with components i = (xi ) and γi = γ(xi ), given by (4) and (5), respectively. The expressions of i and γi in terms of the parameters of the cumulative link model (3) are given in web ˆ ∗ and appendix A. We obtain the model-based estimates  γ̂ ∗ by replacing the parameter values by the corresponding estimated values. To construct confidence intervals for these measures, we can obtain large-sample standard errors using the delta method, based on an estimated covariance matrix of the ML model parameter estimates that are generated from the usual multinomial sampling scheme. From results for the simple case without explanatory variables, it is more sensible to apply the delta method to a transform such as the logit of the measure (Ryu and Agresti, 2008) rather than to the measure itself. Web appendix A contains the technical details. An R function for constructing estimates and confidence intervals for γ ∗ and ∗ , based on the cumulative logit or probit model, is available in web appendix B. We illustrate for the mental impairment data that Section 4 used to illustrate the measures for the ordinal latent variable models. For comparing the two SES levels with cumulative probit and cumulative logit models, Table 3 shows γ(x) and (x) at the life events index values x = 0, . . . , 9, and at the sample mean value x̄ = 4.3. Although the estimates vary according to the life events value, they are quite stable. As we would expect, because of the similarity of logit and probit Table 3 Estimates of the ordinal superiority measures comparing the two SES levels for the mental impairment data at the different levels of the life-events index and its sample mean, based on the cumulative probit and cumulative logit models Cumulative Probit Life events Logit Probit Logit ˆ  γ̂ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.355 0.345 0.338 0.333 0.330 0.329 0.330 0.334 0.339 0.348 0.357 0.348 0.341 0.337 0.335 0.334 0.334 0.336 0.341 0.350 −0.291 −0.310 −0.325 −0.334 −0.340 −0.342 −0.339 −0.333 −0.321 −0.305 −0.286 −0.305 −0.318 −0.326 −0.330 −0.333 −0.332 −0.327 −0.317 −0.301 x̄ = 4.3 0.330 0.334 −0.341 −0.331 models, summary results are similar for the two cumulative links. For the summary measures averaged over the 40 observaˆ ∗ = −0.325 for the probit tions, we obtain γ̂ ∗ = 0.337 and  ∗ ˆ ∗ = −0.319 for the model, and we obtain γ̂ = 0.341 and  logit model. Table 4 shows 95% confidence intervals for the population values, using the observed information matrix. All these analyses indicate a range from essentially no effect to a relatively large one in the direction of poorer mental health at the lower SES level. 6. Discussion and Extensions The measures introduced here supplement measures previously proposed to summarize effects in models for ordinal categorical responses, such as Ryu and Agresti (2008) and Thas et al. (2012). For other ordinal effect measures, see Cheng (2009), Lu et al. (2014), Lu et al. (2015), and Volfovsky et al. (2015). An advantage of the ordinal superiority measures is simplicity of interpretation for ordinal categorical models in which researchers often find probits and odds ratios difficult to interpret. For models with nonlinear link functions, such as cumulative link models, the natural model-based effect measures are not easy to understand. For the typical medical researcher or practitioner, for instance, reading that at any values of explanatory variables the estimated probability that a response to drug (z = 1) is better than a response to placebo (z = 0) is γ̂ = 0.66 would have greater meaning than reading that (i) an estimated cumulative odds for drug is exp(β̂) = 2.7 times the estimated cumulative odds for placebo (i.e., from (3) with the logit link), or (ii) estimated cumulative probits differ by β̂ = 0.5 or an underlying mean for drug is β̂ = 0.5 standard deviations better than for placebo (i.e., from (3) with the probit link), or (iii) the estimated probability that the response for drug is worse than a particular outcome category is the power exp(β̂) = 1.7 of the estimated probability that the response for placebo is worse than that category (i.e., from (3) with the complementary log–log link). The ordinal superiority measures extend directly to summary comparisons of multiple groups, based on more general models that have multiple indicator variables for the groups. For example, suppose a cumulative probit model contains terms β(a) za + β(b) zb in the linear predictor for groups a and b, where zj = 1 for observations from group j and zj = 0 otherwise. Then, an √analog of γ for comparing those groups is [(β(a) − β(b) )/ 2]. Inference can use Bonferroni adjustments. With a large number g of groups, it may be useful to model the g(g − 1)/2 comparison measures in terms of fewer parameters, such as is done with the Bradley–Terry model and is discussed in a simpler context by Bergsma et al. (2009, p. 11). The proposed measures in Section 5 that are not connected with a linear latent variable model apply directly to other ordinal models, such as continuation-ratio logit models and adjacent-category logit models that have proportional odds structure (Agresti, 2010, Chapter 4). When the explanatory variables are solely categorical, the data form a contingency table, and (3) for the logit link is the response model analog of association models for cumulative odds ratios, while other Ordinal Probability Effect Measures 219 Table 4 95% confidence intervals for the ordinal superiority measures comparing the two SES levels for the mental impairment data at the sample mean of the life-events index and summarized over life-events values, based on the cumulative probit and cumulative logit models Cumulative Probit Life events x̄ = 4.3 Summary Logit Probit γ (0.19, 0.51) (0.21, 0.49) Logit  (0.20, 0.51) (0.21, 0.50) ordinal response models correspond to association models for alternative types of ordinal odds ratios (see Sections 8.3.2– 8.3.4 of Kateri, 2014). Some of these models, such as those expressed in terms of local odds ratios, have approximate connections with underlying normal models. The measures extend also to more general ordinal-response models than those having linear predictors, such as generalized additive models for ordinal responses (e.g., Yee and Wild, 1996), although obtaining confidence intervals is then more challenging. 7. Supplementary Materials Web Appendices A and B, referenced in Section 5, are available with this article at the Biometrics website on Wiley Online Library. Web appendix A contains the technical details for deriving the large-sample confidence intervals for γ ∗ and ∗ , while web appendix B provides the R–function for computˆ ∗ , along with the associated confidence intervals. ing γ̂ ∗ and  Acknowledgements The authors appreciate helpful comments about an earlier draft from Wicher Bergsma, Leonardo Grilli, Carla Rampichini, and Euijung Ryu. References Agresti, A. (2010). Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data, 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Agresti, A. (2015). Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 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Confidence interval of delta (∆)
Practically, with square estimate βˆ in the linear model and S as the residual standard deviation, it
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