Course Project. From 10 to 12 pages

timer Asked: Feb 8th, 2018

Question Description

For the purpose of this exercise, students will choose a company for which they will perform the following tasks:

  1. An environmental scan and risk analysis of the organization.
  2. A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing ratios.
  3. A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing free cash flow, market value added and economic value added.
  4. A calculation of the weighted average cost of capital.
  5. Develop a cogent conclusion as to the financial health of the organization, with the idea recommending whether the company’s stock should be bought, sold, or a neutral position taken.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Course Project MBA 645, Financial Management Course Project The specific objective of this course project is to assure that students of business have a sufficient capacity of skills to conduct an organizational financial analysis. This exercise will provide students with the opportunity to integrate and implement theory to practice. For the purpose of this exercise, students will choose a company for which they will perform the following tasks: 1. An environmental scan and risk analysis of the organization. 2. A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing ratios. 3. A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing free cash flow, market value added and economic value added. 4. A calculation of the weighted average cost of capital. 5. Develop a cogent conclusion as to the financial health of the organization, with the idea recommending whether the company’s stock should be bought, sold, or a neutral position taken. The written paper is to be typed, double–spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman and 12point font, average content page length is between 10-12, with correct spelling and grammar, proper citation, references, with a cover page and organized with headings. The following Library resources and web sites could assist students in conducting the research to do the Critical Assignment: Lynn Library Sources: ABI/INFORM Academic OneFile Academic Search Premier Biography In Context Bloomberg Station Business Source Complete Campus Research: News and Law -- U.S. (Powered by Westlaw) Data monitor General Business File ASAP Hoover’s Company Profiles LexisNexis ProQuest Reference USA & OneSource Research Library Core Websites: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: 1. Analyze a company’s context for making decisions through an environmental scan and a risk analysis. SLO 1.3, SLO 3.1, SLO 3.3 (20% of grade) 2. Analyze a company’s financial statements utilizing ratio analysis. SLO 3.1 (30% of grade) 3. A financial statement analysis of the organization utilizing free cash flow, market value added and economic value added. SLO 1 (15% of grade) 4. A calculation of the weighted average cost of capital. SLO 3.1 (15% of grade) 5. Develop recommendations for strategy development based on an in-depth analysis. SLO 1.1, SLO 3.1 (10% of grade) 6. Quality of writing, including citing sources; and organization of project. SLO 4.1 (10% of grade) Rubric for MBA 645 Checkpoint Assignment Learning Outcomes 5 4 3 2 1 Analyze a company’s context for making decisions through an environmental scan and a risk analysis SLO 1.3, SLO 3.1, SLO 3.3 Student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the environmenta l forces and risks that the organization faces and the student Student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of the environmenta l forces and risks that the organization faces and the student communicate Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the environmenta l forces and risks that the organization faces and the student Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the environmenta l forces and risks that the organization faces and the student communicate Student demonstrated no knowledge of the environmenta l forces and risks that the organization faces and the student communicate (20% of grade) communicate d communicate d d d effectively. ineffectively. d effectively. ineffectively. ineffectively. Student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing ratios and the student communicate d the information effectively. Student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing ratios and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing ratios and the student communicate d the information effectively. Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing ratios and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. Student demonstrated no knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing ratios and the student communicate d ineffectively. Student demonstrates an in-depth A financial knowledge of statement financial analysis of the statement organization analysis utilizing free utilizing free cash flow, cash flow, market value MVA, EVA added and and the economic value student added SLO 3.1 communicate (15% of grade) d the information effectively. Student demonstrates an in-depth knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing free cash flow, MVA, EVA and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing free cash flow, MVA, EVA and the student communicate d the information effectively. Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing free cash flow, MVA, EVA and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. Student demonstrated no knowledge of financial statement analysis utilizing free cash flow, MVA, EVA and the student communicate d ineffectively. Student Student A calculation of demonstrates demonstrates the weighted an in-depth an in-depth average cost of knowledge of knowledge of Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of Student demonstrates an adequate knowledge of Student demonstrated no knowledge of the Analyze a company’s financial statements utilizing ratio analysis SLO 3.1 (30% of grade) capital. SLO 3.1( the 15% of grade) calculation of weighted average cost of capital and the student communicate d the information effectively. the calculation of weighted average cost of capital and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. the calculation of weighted average cost of capital and the student communicate d the information effectively. the calculation of weighted average cost of capital and the student communicate d the information ineffectively. Developed Developed excellent Develop excellent strategy recommendatio strategy recommendat ns for strategy recommendat ions that were development ions that were based on the based on an in- based on the analysis and depth analysis and the student analysis.SLO the student communicate 1.1, SLO 3.1 communicate d these (10% of grade) d these recommendat effectively. ions ineffectively. Developed adequate strategy recommendat ions that were based on the analysis and the student communicate d these recommendat ions effectively. Developed adequate strategy recommendat ions that were based on the analysis and the student communicate d these recommendat ions ineffectively. Student demonstrated no ability to develop recommendat ions and the student communicate d ineffectively. Quality of writing, including citing sources; and organization of project. SLO 4.1 (10% of grade) Writing skills are adequate with many errors; organization is average. Writing skills overall are below average; organization is below average. Writing skills are poor with remediation required and project is not organized. Writing skills are at high level with almost no errors; organization is excellent. Writing skills are good with a few errors; organization is above average. calculation of the weighted average cost of capital and the student communicate d ineffectively.
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