I need your opinion without resources and when you finish I have to replay to my friend about their opinion

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Business Finance


1/Instructions: Student will read question or prompt completely. When you see the term discuss, you should think describe or explain your point of view and provide supporting evidence. You are to complete each assignment utilizing complete sentences in paragraph format. You will provide a response or follow the directions of the prompt. Then you will reply to at least two of their peers.

Question/prompt: What are the reasons that more children play hockey and more adults watch hockey in the Northeast United States and more children play football and more adults follow football in the Southeast United States.

2/Instructions: You will read question or prompt completely. You will respond or follow the directions of the prompt. Then you will reply to at least two of their peers.

Question/prompt: There are important differences between power and performance sports and pleasure and participation sports. However, many sports actually consist of combination of these two types of sports. Use your own experience to illustrate that real-life sports cannot be neatly divided into two distinct and different types.

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Explanation & Answer

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Student’s Name:
Lecturer’s Name:
Prompt 1
Why many Children are Players while the Adults turn Fans.
Every part of the world is known for its uniqueness in various activities. Come back home, and it
is also evident that each part of the United States has its area of specialty and popularity. In
sports, different regions are famous for different sports. For instance, the southeast region is
known for football prominence while the northeast is known for dominance in hockey. Even
with this, it is easy to note that there are more young players in these regions compared to the
number of parents.
In the Southeast part of the US, football is a culture, and people treat it as a treasure. The fi...

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