Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12-18 slides in length)

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Assignment 3: PowerPoint Presentation Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12-18 slides in length). It should include a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a closing slide, and a references slide (if applicable). All slides count toward the required length. The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace. Potential examples include the importance of companies embracing social media, advertising through social media, policies involving social media, proper professional communication through social media platforms, or any number of other angles. The presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Any other submission formats will be returned ungraded. The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements: 1. Content: a. Address some aspect of social media use in the workplace. b. Organize the presentation in a clear, logical manner. c. Provide between 12-18 total slides. d. Assume your target audience is familiar with the overall concept of social media. 2. Format: a. Follow the design requirements from Chapter 12-3 (pages 208-211) in BCOM7. b. Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide, and two to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) throughout the presentation (not per slide), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. c. Open with an engaging introduction (including one title slide and one introduction slide). d. For the body of your presentation, cover the main points of your subject. Create slides that reinforce and illustrate your main ideas. e. For your single closing slide, finish with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your presentation. f. Slides should cite any relevant outside sources using footnotes on relevant slides (the source should be clearly visible to the audience) OR in APA format (in-text citations on slides and an included references page at the end of the presentation). Choose one method or the other (do not mix both). 3. Clarity / Mechanics: a. Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements. b. Run spell/grammar check before submitting. Your assignment must: • Be completed in PowerPoint (using either .PPT or .PPTX format). Your professor may provide additional instructions. Submitting your assignment: • Submit your assignment through the online course shell only. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: 1. Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents. 2. Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation. 3. Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format. 4. Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment. Points: 150 Assignment 3: PowerPoint Presentation Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 1. Submission meets the content requirements outlined in assignment details. Weight: 30% Submission content missing multiple required elements, has multiple issues with development of content, or does not relate to the stated requirements. Submission missing at least one noted content requirement and has multiple issues with development of provided content items. Submission is missing at least one requirement or has specific development issues with provided content items. Submission includes all stated requirements and most are well developed. Submission includes all stated requirements and is well developed. 2. Assignment meets the format requirements outlined in assignment details. Weight: 25% Assignment makes little or no attempt to meet the stated format requirements. Assignment is missing at least two format requirements (or there are major errors as noted in comments). Assignment is missing at least one format requirement and/or has 4-5 minor errors. Assignment includes all stated format requirements and has 2-3 minor errors. Assignment includes all stated format requirements and has 0-1 minor errors. 3. Audience, purpose, and overall effectiveness of the PowerPoint Presentation. Weight: 30% The PowerPoint Presentation is not properly targeted, the purpose is unclear, and/or the message is ineffective in achieving its goal(s). The PowerPoint Presentation has major errors in at least two of the areas (audience, purpose, or overall effectiveness). The PowerPoint Presentation has a major error in at least one of the areas (audience, purpose, or overall effectiveness). The PowerPoint Presentation mostly addresses the proper audience, generally achieves its purpose, and is somewhat effective. The PowerPoint Presentation addresses the proper audience, achieves its purpose, and is effective. 4. Clarity, writing mechanics, professional language/style requirements. Weight: 15% More than 8 errors present. 7-8 errors present. 5-6 errors present. 3-4 errors present. 0-2 errors present. Criteria Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 12.3 DESIGNING COMPELLING PRESENTATION VISUALS considered Speakers who use presentation visuals are better prepared and more interesting, and achieve their goals more often than speakers who do not use visi als. Presentation visuals support and clarify a speaker's ideas and help the audience visualize the message. A speaker using presentation visuals reaches the receiver with double impact--through the eyes and the ears and achieves the results quoted in an ancient Chinese proverb: "Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. But involve me and I'll understand.” Research studies confirm that using visuals enhances a presentation. The effective use of presentation visuals provides several advantages:10 . . clarifies and emphasizes important points increases retention from 14% to 38% • reduces the time required to present a concept • results in a speaker achieving goals 34% more often than when presentation visuals are not used increases occurrence of group consensus by 21% when presentation visuals are used in a meeting . Hemianto di document to their overly complex Design of Presentation Visuals Podpat will remain the standard presentation and in the organizational settings, even misils give rise to such sayings as Deatle PowerPoint and Power Point poisoning. The prob- is that too many presenters approachindle as if they were reading a document rather than delivering an interesting a ning and inspiring used of too many text slides that are difficult to understand and boring. One example is an retability" PowerPoint slideshow sent by the 2008 Hillary Clinton Campaign to all House Democrats that contained nine slides. 275 words, une table, three bar charts, and two pie charts. Such "docu-points" are usi- ally less effeetive than a concise, well-designed handout or summary report." Even though Power Point remains a standardin many professional envirouments, other presentation software packages are available. Flash is one of the best presenta- tion software tools on the market because of its anima- tion effects and ability to import video. Unfortunately it also takes a high degree of proficiency to use. Prezi is another popular software tool that is available online and provides a very different experience than PowerPoint in that it is nonlinear and more interactive and dynamic Apple users can use Apple Keynote. Other presentation tools include Google Docs and Slide Rocket Regardless of the software package you clioose, your goal is to create an appealing, casy-to-read visual aid that supports and enhances your main points with out overwhelming the audience. Presentation visuals should possess the same degree of professionalism as your delivery and personal appearance. You can create done and will provide sidehandons and not page boy simple guidelines - Limit the number of visual aids used in a single presentation. While audiences value being able to see your points, they also welcome the variety provided by listening and the break from concentrat- Ing on visuals. Design compelling visuals that direct the audience's attention to major points and clarity or illustrate complex information. Use precise, vivid language that will involve the audience and enrich your r message and delivery style. Limit slide content to key ideas presented in as few words as possible, or better yet, visually. Well-organized, crisp slide content enhances the audience's ability to grasp the speaker's meaning and find immediate value in the information. Good content also leads to an extemporaneous delivery rather than a speaker's monotonous reading of scripted slides. Short text lines are also easier for the eye to follow and open up the slide with appealing white space. Whenever possible, present complex information using graphic aids, such as tables, charts, or diagrams, • Develop only one major idea using targeted key- words the audience can scan quickly, understand, and remember. Full sentences can be used for a direct quotation; otherwise, less is more. William Earnest, author of Save Our Slides, offers a cure for verbalitis: "Power Point is not a word processor"-it is a visual medium in which fewer words are always more. • Keep type sizes large enough to read when pro- jected and to discourage crowding slides with text. Strive for these font sizes: slide titles, 44 points; main bullets, 32 points; sub-bullets, 24 points. Do not use text smaller than 18 points, as it is unread- able when projected. Limit slide titles and headings to four words and follow the 7 x 7 rule, which limits text to 7 lines per slide and 7 words per line. Eliminate articles (a, an, the), understood pronouns/possessives (we you, your), simple verbs and infinitive beginnings (are, to), and repetitive phrasing. If you must use text, develop powerful bulleted lists that are easy to follow and remember. For easy recall, limit the list to three to five main bullets, but absolutely no more than seven. To eliminate confusion and rereading, use bulleted lists that are grammatically parallel. One item appearing out of place weakens the emphasis given to each item and can distract audience attention from the message. Be certain each major point relates to the key concept presented in the slide title and CHAPTER 12 Designing and Delivering Business Presentations Darliton light background Poor contract options: Beitrali te madhe and the point relates to its major point Unless milability of the following content arham sequences Important the bullets as they add less datter and are easier to follow than numbers. Choose an effective template and powerful High-contrast options images to reinforce Idean, Illustrate complex Ideas, and onliven baring content. Images and shapes are more visually appealing and memorable than words, and they enable audiences to grasp Information more easily. Today's audiences expect media-rich, dynamk visuals, not a speaker's dense Crutch notes displayed on screen. Although photo- Because the lower resolution of projectors can wali graphs and clip art available in your presentation colors and make them less vibrant thisun what is seen software gallery are acceptable, avoid images that a printed page or computer screen, choose options wu are overused, outdated, gralny, and convey an very high-not arinimally ligh-contrast. Projek yout unprofessional tone. Instead search for or create presentation ahead of time in the room where you are to high-quality professional images that convey the desired message and can project onscreen without Present so VOI CHO assess the color scheme. You can distortion double-check for realability and typographical errors . Choose an effective color scheme. The colors you The same time. choose and the way you combine them determine the overall effectiveness of your presentation and add - Choose the accent colors that complement the color scheme. Accent colors are used in small doses to draw a personal touch to your work. Follow these simple attention to key elements: bullet markers bars/slicesin rules to plan a non-distracting, complementary color scheme that has unity with the template graphics: graphs, backgrounds (fills) of shapes and lines, selected text; or drawings that are color coded for emphasis. Por • Limit colors to no more than three colors on a red and green when differentiating important points slide, to avoid an overwhelming feel. as almost 10% of the population is color impaired and • Begin by selecting a background color that con- cannot distinguish between red and green. The red and veys the appropriate formality and tone. Choose green bars in a graph would be seen as one large area cool colors (blue and green) in muted shades for for- Choose an appealing font that can be read mal presentations, choose warm colors (red, orange, on-screen easily. Avoid delicate, decorative, or and yellow) or brighter shades of cool colors for a less condensed choices that are difficult to read when formal and perhaps trendy look. Think carefully about projected. The clean, simple lines of a sans serif for whether your color selection has a natural associa- such as Calibri, Tahoma, or Verdana, are ideal for pro tion with your topic or organization. For example, jecting on a large screen, newspaper headline, signo a presentation on environmentally friendly policies billboard. A sans serif font has no short cross-stroles might incorporate colors naturally associated with known as serifs, which provide extra detail that helps nature and cleanliness (earth tones, white and blue): guide the eye on print media. Examples of serif fonts a presentation to Pepsi Cola likely would be designed are Cambria, Times New Roman, and Garamond around the company colors of red, white, and blue. Follow these keyboarding rules for easy reading Choose complementary foreground (text] colors that have high contrast to the background to Use capital letters sparingly as they are difficult to re from a distance. Capitalize the first letter of important ensure readability. To ensure high contrast, choose words in slide titles (initial caps) and the first letteral either dark text on a light background or light text the first word and proper nouns in a bulleted listser on a dark background. For example, the often used color scheme of yellow slide title text and white tence case). Omit hard-to-see punctuation at the end bulleted list with a blue background is a good choice of bulleted lists and elsewhere, and avoid abprevia because the colors are complementary and have high tions and hyphenations that might cause confusion contrast. Choose a slightly brighter color for the slide . Reflect legal and ethical responsibility in the title that distinguishes it from the color chosen for design of presentation visuals. Like the graphics the bullet list. you developed in Chapter 10. presentation visuals should be uncluttered, easily understood, and depi Black text against a white background has the greatest information honestly. contrast. A blue background with yellow text contrasts Proofread the visual carefully following the same well, but a light blue background with white text would 210 PART FOUR Communication through Reports and Business Presentat ons systematic procedures used for printed letters and DESIGNING COMPELLING SLIDES Triton Enterprises The revised slide • Includes short description title that captures major idea of slide • Limits content to meet the TX 7 criteria. • Recognizes the difference between a written communiention channel and a visual one througli entanced use of visual elements and reduction of text • Takes advantage of SmartArt feature of Microsoft PowerPoint to increase visual appeal wlule reducing time needed for custom design creation • Uses a simple but appealing template with high-quality relevant image that is large enough for audience to see and has not been overused • Uses high-contrast background and sans serif fonts to ensure Ingibility Color choices are complementary And convey a professional tone. • Uses initial caps in slide title, capitalizes the first word iu bulleted list, and on its period at end of bulleted items • has been proofread carefully to avoid misspellings that damage credibility 12-4 REFINING YOUR DELIVERY reports and electronic communication. Misspellings in visuals are embarrassing and diminish your credibil ity. Double-check to be certain that names of people, companies, and products are spelled correctly. Figure 12.2 offers a review of slide design guidelines. The poor example (left) relics on text to come the mes- sage, while the good example (right) illustrates the point Aller you have organized your message, you must iden- Hify the appropriate delivery method, refine your vocal qualities and practice your delivery 12-4a Delivery Method Four presentation methods can be used: memorized scripted, impromptu, and extemporanсons. Impromptu. and extemporaneons styles are generally nore useful for business presentations Memorized presentations are written out ahead of time, memorized and recited verbatim. Mem- orization has the greatest limitations of the speech styles. 12-3b Design Tips for Audience Handouts and Notes Pages Audience handouts should add value for individual audi- ence members otherwise, the information can better be conveyed in a projected format for group benefit. An effective handout can help audience members remem- ber your message, serve as a reference for later Coul- sideration or action, and encourage involvement when space is provided for note taking or response. You can prepare useful presenter notes on small index cards or on pages generated by electronic presentation software, memorized presentation a presentation in which a speaker writes out a speech commits it to memory, and recites it verbatim CHAPTER 12: Designing and Delivering Business Presentations 213
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Social Media In the Workplace


The introduction of social media leads to the creation of an
important culture in the workplace.

The technological advancement in the environment creates the need
to increase the efficiency of the operations of the businesses.

The concern of the different platforms of business operation looks
at the opportunities presented where there is management of social
media practices.

The administration of the social media sites guides the need to
focus on the roles of the employees and businesses.

Social Media Benefits

The analysis of the benefits of social media is important in helping to
manage the corporate environment.

The analysis of the risks and the tools to use encourages the need to
train the employees on the different aspects of social media.

There is focus on the policies that help in monitoring and protection
of the company image.

The implementation of the changes and the activities important for
the operation of the company guide the company in serving the

Developing Social Media Policies

The development of the social media policies guides the need to focus on
the communication guidelines.

The variation of the policies helps in the creation of the content that is
important to communicate with the consumers.

The definition of the acceptable tools and the capabilities of the
organization helps in sharing the information that guides productivity.

It is important to focus on the links that encourage the participation of the
employees in the management of the usage of social media.

Qualities of Communication Policies

The policies should be specific and this means the outlining of the
different roles of the departments in social media usage.

The maintenance of the monitoring of the communication measures
guides the right of communication and the retention of the

There is analysis of the tools that create efficiency of the decision
making process and the prohibitions in the communication process.

The clarification of the different breaches is important as it guides
the need to focus on the violation of the policies and the

Training of the Employees

The embrace of social media usage leads to the need to focus on
training of the employees.

It creates the need for empowerment of the employees and the
analysis of the different risks likely to be faced.

Training should focus on the views of the company and the need for
the maintenance of the confidential information.

The express of the policies should ensure the protection of the
company image and the evolvement...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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