accounting information system (physical flow chart) using VISIO ONLY

timer Asked: Feb 10th, 2018

Question Description

If you dont have access to visio please dont contact me. I have a narrative upon that the physical flow chart should be diagrammed. I will attach the narrative ( once you open the file go down to the narrative ) I only need a physical flow chart, it should not take longer than one hour do finish. Please do not contact me with offer such as 100$ OR 60, IT IS JUST A FLOW CHART!!

i will also attach a sample we did in class to clear things up. Please the flow chart should be based on whats in the narrative. I need work that looks like college work ! not a middle school drawings.

Feel free to make reasonable offer i would accept, I need in the next 6 hours.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Context DFD 1 Customer Game rental process Physical DFD Customer Membership card request 1.0 Clerk Customer information 2.0 Computer Logical DFD 2 Customer Present membership card 1.0 Intent 2.0 Verify Scan membership card Verify customer information 4.0 Update 3.0 Process Update customer account Flowchart 3 Clerk Computer Customer Membership Card and Game Scan card Verify info Scan card Membership search Display info Calculate total 4 Customer Display total Remit payment Update records Enter receipt STOP Print receipt 5 6
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