answer the following questions

User Generated




1. Compare and contrast the first account of creation (Priestly source) and the

second account (Yahwist source), noting at least three specific differences

(style, geographical description, way of describing God, way of describing

creation of man and woman). Be sure that you understand why they are

referred to as two accounts?

2. How does the first account describe the creation of man and woman? Does the

second account describe it in the same way? Is woman portrayed as “inferior”

in the second account? You take a position but be able to support it.

3. *Is “dominion theory” a license for humans to exploit the earth?What is an

encyclical Letter? What is the main topic of “Laudato Si” and who is its

author? Why is care for the earth a theological issue?

4. *What is the difference between Tribal Confederacy and Monarchy? How

does David consolidate power and Make Israel a nation? What is the “sin of

David”, and how might it have affected the Davidic covenant? Who is Nathan

and how is he function as a prophet?

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Explanation & Answer


Running Header: Theology


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The first difference is the way the order of creation is presented and the manner through which
man and woman exist. The first account outlines how mankind is different from animals as they
were created together in the image and likeness of creator God (Gen 1: 27) whereas in the second
account none of these features exists in fact we are informed that Yahweh first forms man from
the dust of the earth and so for man not to be lonely he created animals and since man was
unable to find satisfactory from animals a woman is built from the ribs.
In the second account, there is the use of wordplay and puns style of presenting to help
accentuate the account's anthropological orientation. For example, the second account explains
that Yahweh forms man from the ground and name him Adam, but not another creator formed
from the ground has a name. in the first account, both male and female are created together in the
image and likeness of God hence no use of wordplay in presenting creation.
The manner in which the two accounts depicts the creator also forms a notable difference. In the
first account, the name Yahweh was never mentioned until it was revealed to Moses whereas the
second account refers to god as Yahweh.
The second account starts from an infertile land, humanless landscape, describes formation of
man from ground, how the man was placed in the garden of Eden and finally how man was
excommunicated from the garden whereas the first account the creation started with darkness,
the earth being unfertile and requires Adam to toil which represented the d...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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