​Writing a Thesis that had a Chapter on F13 and Would Some Insight on Jason

timer Asked: Mar 5th, 2018

Question Description

Last week, I watched 1-4 for research on writing a thesis that explores the evolution of the Satan from Dante to Pop culture.

I'm stuck on Part 2. Ginny has an incredibly written monologue about the legend of Jason and Pamela, as sort of a psychological profile on him specifically. In it, she broaches the possibility that he does not fully understand death and is therefore awaiting his mother's resurrection. Her theory, to an extent, is later confirmed when she comes across the shrine and is able to calm him by acting like his mom. My question is if Jason does not understand death, why does he kill? His actions are in an effort, I think, to both avenge his mother and carry on her legacy. However, his lack of knowledge about death must then result in his believing death is not permanent -- which is, again, evidenced by a thought that Pamela will return.

I just can't wrap my mind around it, and wanted to ask the question in here because I personally don't know any huge fans of the franchise.

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