Policy Essay/assignment

timer Asked: Mar 9th, 2018

Question Description

olicy Essay/assignment


This is an essay on the issue of school choice. The textbook covers education issues in Texas in several chapters, whether it was talking about Texas being in the bottom of the rankings for education or when talking about the budget issues for education OR even the education agency in Texas. Education is no doubt an important issue in Texas. Answer the question give below the link to the video.

The Youtube link below is to a 20 minute video on school choice. I definitely expect you to watch this video. This video is not only about Texas, but about the national debate on school choice. The same issue affects Texas. Watch the video and read the textbook pages as well as the articles given below.

You want to make sure you read through the textbook pgs. 411-416.

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to an article about the school choice issue and the impact on rural school districts.

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to an "Austin American Statesman" story on school choice. Keep in mind that this is a mix of federal and state aspects because Cruz is a member of the federal branch of government (representing Tx in Washington D.C.)

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. about public vs. charter schools in case you were wondering how that fits into all of this.

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to a message board with good questions and considerations for parents (go to the lfm response)

Write Your thoughts on school choice. Do you agree with it? Should parents have vouchers (government money) to send their students to private schools? Is it fair to expect parents to continue sending their children to an under-performing school? You do not have to provide a solution unless you want to. You may use some personal experience in this discussion, but make sure to use material from the video and textbook. Cite your support in the text and at the end in a citation page.

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