Stock case study

timer Asked: Mar 10th, 2018

Question Description

this is a statistics project where we are supposed to come up with numbers similar to ones that appear in the photo. Procedure calculations must be shown

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اند. ا. :2 0.0K/s 36% 09:53 { C Question + Anonymous o Asked 1 day ago Introduction Your team has been given the task by your supervisor to review an issue that has occurred with a part manufactured at your company. You are being asked to analyze the issue and report back to your supervisor on why the problems have occurred and suggest ways to prevent this issue from occurring in the future. Present your recommendations in the form of a typed professional memo. Your report should be self-contained. In other words, no additional documentation should be needed to understand what you submit to the supervisor. The main memo should be limited to no more than 2 pages using normal text font and format. Graphs, data, sample calculations, and any other supporting documents may be attached. For example, the memo may refer to a figure showing a schematic diagram. The figure, however, should not be on the memo page itself. Also, you must refer to each figure, schematic, table, etc. you have attached in the memo. You may discuss the assignments with the other groups. However, each group should come up with their own ideas and turn in one report. Save all of your attachments to one PDF document and submit on Canvas as GroupNCS1, N being your group number. Case Study Detail: Stock Size Attached you can find four".csv" files that show the data coming out of previous measurements of a production system. These are the interarrival times in seconds) of pre- processed parts being dropped onto a conveyor. The company took data first on 10 samples, then on 100 samples, then on 1000 samples, and finally on 10000 samples. The interarrival times show the success of the pre-process, and the company would like to keep the interarrival times at a maximum of 30 seconds. For each of the sample sizes, calculate the estimate of the average and its confidence limits if 99% confidence is required. Then, using the maximum limit of the confidence interval, calculate the probability of getting 30 seconds or higher for each sample size. Using this information, estimate how many products out of 1,000,000 would have interarrival over 30 seconds by multiplying the probability with the number of products. Assume that each product that takes more than 30 seconds to arrive costs c1 to the company. Also, taking measurements costs 1000*log 10(N) where N is the number of measurements. Also, there is an uncertainty fee associated with the measurements. The company needs to insure the confidence interval. That means, the difference between the confidence limits of the average costs the company $100 per second. For example, if the lower and upper 99% confidence interval for the average are 10 and 15 seconds, the company pays $500 to insure the interval. The provided data belongs to a previous study, which needs to be replicated. That means, the total estimated cost for each sample size should be calculated and the one that results in the lowest cost should be selected. For that, you will need to calculate the estimated cost of the products going over 30 seconds in terms of interarrival time, the cost of taking measurements, and the cost of insurance and add them up. Then compare the estimated total costs for each sample size and make a suggestion. Deliverables: Short memo (2 pages max.) and any attachments needed in the form of one PDF csv files data for 10 44.79527 1.207714 11.03652 7.092256 19.91704
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