Easy economics questions

User Generated


Business Finance


Hey guys I really need help with these easy problems. Please help

  1. Identify which of the following would be included in GDP. Explain:
  1. The time a stay-at-home parent spends taking care of children
  2. Tires bought at a mechanic’s shop
  3. A used car
  4. A brand new mattress
  5. Mr. Hall’s time spent teaching
  1. Use the information below to calculate GDP for Hall-Land in 2013

Suppose Hall-Land has a population of 2,476. What is the GDP per capita rounded to the second decimal place?

  1. Use the information in the table from question 2 and the table below to calculate the GDP Growth Rate for Hall-Land in 2014
  1. Use the information in the tables from questions 2 and 3 to answer the following:
  1. What is the Real GDP2014 in 2013 dollars?
  2. Calculate the GDP deflator.
What is the Real GDP Growth Rate2014?

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