Mobile payment

timer Asked: Mar 18th, 2018

Question Description

write about the mobile payment and there is a format to use and font and the report must be the length about 2000 -2500 words, excluding the title page, table of contents , list of illustrations, and list of re

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1 47% ..... Happy UAE 3G 9:14 AM A Note: This Assignment accounts for 10 % of the student's final grade. Activity: One of the requirements of this course to write a report. The deadline for submitting the reports will be by May 20th. The mark allocated for the paper constitutes 10 % of the total mark of the course. You can choose any scientific or informative report to write about. However, you need to get permission from your instructor about the title of the topic before you commence writing about it. You should include the following in the report: 1. Plastic spiral cover 2. Title Page 3. Table of Contents 4. List of Illustrations/Graphics 5. Introduction 6. At least three chapters that cover the discussion part 7. Conclusion /Summary 8. List of References Format: 1. Use one side of the paper only. 2. Font size for text is 12 points and 14 points for headings. 3. Use two fonts only in the whole report. Arial is to be used for headings and Times New Roman is for text. 4. Use a 1-1/2-inch margin at the top and 1-inch margins for the left, right, and bottom. 5. Spacing between lines is 1.5 lines. 6. Use Roman numerals for pages before page 1 of the introduction 7. Use Arabic numerals for pages beginning with page 1 of the introduction. 8. Don't display a numeral on the title page. Important Notes: 1. The length of the report is 2000-2500 words excluding the title page, table of contents, list of illustrations, and list of references. 2. The report should be uploaded on Turnit-in link available on MOODLE 3. Similarity % should not be more than 40%. 4. There will be a Turnit-in link_available on MOODLE to upload your work. 5. Uploading deadline is May 20th 2018.
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