I need to write a discussion post of a key concept in a chapter- under 200 words and also respond to another students post

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The purpose of chapter discussions is to further your understanding of the material from the text. Chapter discussions are the one place in the course where misunderstandings of concepts will not negatively impact your score. If you don't fully understand something, I can help clarify it for you and that becomes an opportunity for everyone to learn. It’s not important that you get it right, it IS important that you show me you have read the text, studied the material and are trying to make sense of it. If you don’t show me how you are understanding things, I’ll never be able to guide you.

Your job in chapter discussions is to do 2 things: 1) demonstrate that you've read the chapter by adding NEW information from the chapter and using correct page citations and 2) show how you are thinking about key concept(s) from the chapter. This means you will need to

  • identify a key concept,
  • describe what it means,
  • show where you got your information from, and
  • show how YOU understand the key concept.

What you should NOT do in chapter discussions is simply summarize information from the text, include long quotes with brief comments (e.g., stating only that you found the information interesting or that you disagree, etc.), or make comments that relate to the information from the chapter in only a general way. Bringing in relevant personal experiences and ideas IS encouraged, but they must be linked back to specific key concepts from the chapter in a meaningful way.

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