The brain neuroplasticity and Ramashandra findings

timer Asked: Mar 26th, 2018

Question Description

Is an APA format, do not try to be fancy and place pictures or caricature, that is "high school papers"

In order to facilitate what to include in your literature report, you MUST mention the following:

a) When and how that concept was developed or coined.

b) Under what philosophical roots it falls

c) Best exponents of that idea

d) Controversial issues about it

e) Advantages or disadvantages of it

f) New findings

g) The future of it.


You will be expected to complete a Research Paper and submit it for the class:

  • The paper must be 5 pages in content using APA style. The research paper will account for 20% of your grade and it must include the following aspects:
    - Title page (1)
    - Abstract page (1)
    - Content pages (5)
    - Conclusion page (1)
    - Reference page (1).

These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide:

  • Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition.
  • Criteria to be followed in order to be diagnosed with this specific disorder according to the DSM-5 Edition.
  • History
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Different types
  • Preventions
  • Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals
  • Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder
  • Parenting skills to help the individuals

The structure should include the following:

All work must comply with APA written standards:

1-Title page (1)

2-Abstract (1), The abstract must have at least i paragraph with no less than 6 lines.

3-Content pages (5),

4-Conclusion (1), Should be your own analysis of your findings.

5-References (1).

Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.

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