The period BEFORE Prophet Muhammad; the period UNDER Prophet Muhammad; and the period AFTER Prophet Muhammad

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Write a four to five-page paper describing the early history of Islam in Arabia. Your papers should focus on three chronological periods: the period BEFORE Prophet Muhammad; the period UNDER Prophet Muhammad; and the period AFTER Prophet Muhammad. Provide SPECIFIC EXAMPLES to back up your arguments. Your papers should be double spaced and typed, and include and an introduction and a conclusion.


1)Bring the topic = define religion

2)Pose the topic = my goal is providing general idea of Islamic in Arabic

3)Announce the plan

  • Before
  • Under
  • After

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: ISLAM IN ARABIA


Islam in Arabia Before, During and After Prophet Muhammad
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Islam in Arabia Before, During and After Prophet Muhammad
Religion can be defined as a collection of ideas and beliefs that are associated with the
worship of a supernatural being, God (Denny, 2015). There are very many religious beliefs
associated with various distinct societies all over the world. Different individuals, groups as well
as cultures have different ways through which they practice their religious beliefs. Most of these
communities and cultures believe in a supernatural being whom they hold with great reverence
and esteem. They believe this supernatural being is the sole source of life and everything in the
entire universe. Not only do various communities, cultures and religions believe in this
supernatural being as the source of life but also as the controller of everything that occurs all
over the universe. Among the many religions is Islam. Those who practice this religion are
referred to as Muslims. According to Denny (2015), The Islamic religion is among the world’s
largest religious groups with an approximated 1.7 billion faithful. This religion has a rich history
with respect to various countries and regions in which it is practiced. This paper talks about one
such history with specific emphasis on Arabia. The paper provides a brief summary of the
chronological events in the Arabian Islamic religion before, during and after prophet
Islam in Arabia Before Prophet Muhammad
Arabia has one of the richest histories of the Islamic re...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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