getting engaged/married too young

timer Asked: Apr 2nd, 2018

Question Description


This is the introduction paragraph. Provide the simple, basic details about your topic. What is your topic? Explain the basics about your topic. Assume the audience is unfamiliar with your topic. You should also state each of the main points that you will make in the body paragraphs.

This is the first body paragraph. Discuss the findings from one source. What were the major points of the source. Also, make sure to provide an in-text citation for the source. One way to format the in-text citation is to put it at the end of the sentence in parenthesis. You can do that just like this (Cotter, Hermsen, Ovadia, & Vanneman, 2001).

This is the second body paragraph. Do the same thing as you did with the first source. Discuss the findings from a second source. What were the major points of the source? What did the authors find? Make sure to include an in-text citation. Notice that the period is after the in-text citation (Anzaldúa, 1987).

This is the third body paragraph. Do the same thing again for a third source. Another way to format your in-text citation is by making it as part of the sentence itself. Look at the next sentence for an example. Sandage and Radosh (1992) explored some of the fundamental concerns within mainstream women’s movements. Typically, if you use the citation as part of the sentence, it would go near the beginning of a sentence or paragraph when you first start using that source. If you use a parenthetical citation, it would usually go near the end of a sentence or paragraph when you’re done using that source.

This is the conclusion paragraph. Here, you should restate what your topic is about. You should also briefly state each of the main sub points. Each of your body paragraphs went into detail about the main ideas. In the introduction and conclusion, you can skip this detail and just cover the basics. The conclusion may be somewhat repetitive with regard to the introduction. Your conclusion may also address what questions remain unanswered.

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