Demonstrate knowledge of the nursing research process by critiquing published research articles in a systematic manner. show your understanding of the components of research and the procedures necessary to implement the research process.

timer Asked: Apr 3rd, 2018

Question Description


This assignment will demonstrates knowledge of the nursing research process by critiquing published research articles in a systematic manner. The assignment will show your understanding of the components of research and the procedures necessary to implement the research process by critiquing a research article.


When completing the critique assignment, note that you’re critiquing with comments based on the logical steps of the research process. Critique process for quantitative studies include: Phase 1—Comprehension, Phase 2—Comparison, Phase 3—Analysis, Phase 4—Evaluation. Comprehension: Read the article carefully and highlight each step of the research process within the article. Comparison and analysis: With the knowledge of each step of the research process examine and compare the extent to which the researcher followed the rules for an ideal study by examining parts of the study for accuracy, completeness, and organization, then analyze the logical links among the steps of the study. Evaluation: Involves determining the meaning and significance of the study by examining the links among the study process, study findings, and previous studies.

As noted in the critic process of one of the Jones and Bartlett publisher’s textbook, in the same way, another general rule includes:

a. Read the entire study carefully

b. Examine the organization and perspectives

c. Highlight each step of the research process

d. Identify the strengths and weaknesses objectively.

e. Determine how well the study followed the rules of the ideal study

f. Consider the applicability of the research results to practice.

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