Quality control manager at the Masterfoods

timer Asked: Aug 30th, 2013

Question Description

Imagine you are a quality control manager at the Masterfoods plant. Write a two to three (2–3) page report on all the parts of the project. Structure your paper using the following headers:

  • Introduction: Purpose of Report
  • Project Part 1: Sampling Method
  • Project Part 2: Method, Analysis, Results
  • Project Part 3: Method, Analysis, Results
  • Project Part 4: Method, Analysis, Results
  • Project Part 5: Method, Analysis, Results
  • Quality Control: Assume that at least one of the tests from Part 4 was rejected (proportion not equal to targeted amount set by Masterfoods). Discuss how you would investigate the operations of the plant to determine why the proportions were off the targeted values. Speculate on three or more possible conditions in plant and bagging process that could have caused the observed results.
  • Conclusion
You should explain what was done as well as the results. Tables can be used to present results and information. Your audience is a supervisor or manager who is unfamiliar with this project and may or may not be familiar with statistical terms. As a result, you will either need to explain/define statistical terms or write them in a way that a layman can understand. You will be graded on the following criteria:
  1. Present the methods, analysis, and results for the five parts of the project. See above Project Parts 1 through 5.
  2. Explain how to investigate unexpected results (failed test(s) in Part 4) and speculate on at least three plausible causes for the observed results.
  3. Clarity in explaining all statistical terminology in every-day language.
  4. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment.

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