golden buttons by using C# visual studio

User Generated




the code that i need it like what i write here, i will make a refund if it not correct

1- it should be in (regular) zip file (zip folder) . > sent to compressed (sip folder) ****

2- do not use the win zip to zipping the folder, or any other zipped because it will be not correct at all.

3- i need a comment in each part of the code > (what is this part do in the program).

for example ( // get started... )

4- using only visual studio c# 2017.

5- i upload a sample of the program it is the same way to build mine... but it is not completed.

make sure that use the same way of my form please...

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The output is shown below: Choose the total number of squares: 16 Choose the total number of buttons (blue + gold): 8 We have the following game Player 1 plays Player 2 plays Player 1 plays Player 2 plays Player 1 plays Player 2 plays Player 1 plays Player 2 plays Player 1 plays Now, it’s player 2’s turn, and player 2 has to touch the gold button. Announcement: The gold button has to be moved and therefore the player 2 loses! Player 1 wins. Engr 123 Assignment 7 Gold Button Assigned: March 19, 2018 Due: April 4, 2018 This game is played on a line of squares each of which may contain a blue button or a gold button. The object of the game is move the gold button to the far left end so that it can be taken. The winner is the player who takes the gold button subject to the following rules: 1. There are two players who take turns. 2. For each turn a player must either take the button on the far left or move some other button some number of square to the left. 3. Players cannot jump other buttons when moving a single button to the left and neither can two buttons occupy the same square. 4. Play continues until someone takes the gold button. Figure 1 A typical game set up with eight buttons. Your program should randomly distribute buttons with some assurance that the gold button is not on the left. The user should be able to choose the total number of buttons and the number of squares. Each player moves by left clicking on a button and right clicking on the space where it is to be moved. If the move is illegal a message should appear informing the player of an illegal move. You will need some announcement for a winner and you should allow the game to be reset to play again without restarting the program. Turn in a zipped project file. Name your zipped file where XXX are your three initials. Upload your zipped project file to \\cecsfp01\users\everyone\Engr123
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