Short Answer: Scientific Developments

timer Asked: Apr 19th, 2018

Question Description

Over the course of this class, you have learned about many important scientists and their scientific discoveries. Based on what you have learned and the article "The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel" that you read earlier, answer the following question:

What importance does the topic of your news story and the question that you developed in Project 2 have to you and to society as a whole? Find attached Project 2 developed questions.

You will be answering some similar questions as part of Project 3. It is recommended that, in addition to entering your answer to the question below, you keep a record of your response to this question for use in your project.

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1 Running head: DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes Mellitus Institution: Southern New Hampshire University Name: Lucky Obeni 2 DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes mellitus has become a big health concern for many people in the world. Individuals end up being restricted from taking certain food stuffs due to these condition. Of notable concern, I was much interested on this story since in the present time, even children are suffering from this health concern and it has become a world killer. I knew that Diabetes Mellitus commonly known as diabetes is caused by high blood sugar levels. I knew that diabetes mellitus was a disease only associated with adult people especially the old aged people. It is evidently that diabetes is become common among people of different ages, children, youth, early adulthood and more pronounced in the old aged. I had never heard of gestational diabetes in which unborn babies suffer from the condition while still in their mothers’ womb. 3. How does this news story relate to the natural science concepts covered in the course? In other words, which principles of natural science are relevant to the news story you selected? Many concepts studied in this course have a relationship with this story. From the findings of the research on this story, there exists a common knowledge among individuals that diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects the old people. Common knowledge is that people suffering from diabetes cannot feed normally instead their diets are restricted. The research method can be considered 3 DIABETES MELLITUS reliable since data was accessed through internet on the diabetes index statistics among people in different age brackets in order to draw the conclusions reached making the findings reliable. Observation, analysis and description of the topic in the story are the concepts which are relevant in this study as help to identify the underlying knowledge, examine it and present it in a way that allows drawing the conclusions. 4. What question related to the topic in the news story would you, assuming the role of a natural scientist, like to study? Use your previous responses and the list of questions that you posed in your topic exploration graphic organizer to select one question that interests you. I would like to focus on the question: “How can gestational diabetes be controlled or prevented to protect the development and growth of the baby?” 5. Why would this question be important to a natural scientist? Natural sciences such as medicine and biology are very important. A scientist in these sectors can have concern in establishing the possible treatment or cure for such a disease or health condition. Improving health status and life wellness to patients is the core objective of every scientist dealing with medicine. A great breakthrough in medicine world would be getting the cure for diabetes and more importantly the prevention of gestation diabetes which puts danger to both a mother’s life as well as the unborn life while in the womb. 4 DIABETES MELLITUS References Mars, L. (2013). Diabetes in America. Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing. American Diabetes Association. (2018). Statistics About Diabetes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Mar. 2018].
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