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Ely 1 ENG 102 Literary Terms Allusion: When a work or character refers to (another work, film, TV show, sacred text, or other cultural element) outside of itself. By making the reference, the author can capitalize on a reader’s prior knowledge and bring an added layer of meaning to the work. Characterization: How an author builds a character. Authors often use dialogue, physical description, action, actual name among other means to convey a character. Comedy: Any work whose plot deals with an ordinary problem by the common people with the intention of evoking laughter, humor, and amusement from the audience. Typical examples are farce and satire. Dynamic versus static characters: Dynamic characters change during the course of the narrative. Static characters remain the same. Figurative language: Language used imaginatively and non-literally. Figurative language is composed of such figures of speech as metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, symbol, irony. Foreshadowing: When a detail in the story hints at a possible outcome or suggests something that happens later. Irony: Situational Irony occurs when the outcome of a series of events suffers a reversal of expectations. Verbal Irony occurs when what is said or written is not what’s meant. Often the opposite is meant. Dramatic Irony occurs when the audience understands greater significance of events/dialogue than a character does. Plot: A series of events arranged in their time sequence, with an emphasis on cause and effect. For example, “The King died and then the Queen died of grief.” Point of View: The angle or perspective from which a work is told. 1) First person: The work is told by a character in the work. Look for personal pronouns like “I” or “We” as a tip off. 2) Third person limited: The work is not told by a character, but the reader only has into one character’s mind, only sees events through one character’s eyes. insight 3) Third person omniscient (all knowing): The work is not told by a character, and the reader has insight into the mind of every character. 4) Dramatic or Objective: Features very very little description, and reads almost like a but is not a play. Typically, a lot of dialogue. play, Ely 2 Setting: When and where the work takes place. Story: A series of events arranged in their time sequence. *Not to be confused with plot, a story can only have one merit: that of making the audience want to know what happens next. For example, “The King dies and then the Queen dies.” Symbolism: When something stands for something else. The American flag symbolizes freedom to some and oppression to others. Authors use symbols to pack a great deal of meaning into a few words. Theme: The controlling idea or meaning of a work. Tone: The author’s attitude toward the subject or audience. Tragedy: Any work in which a character (typically, the protagonist) suffers a major reversal of fortune, often leading to his or her downfall, destruction, and/or death Literary Terms/Analytical Essay Purpose: An analytical essay demonstrates your understanding of the relationship between common literary terms and techniques to the works of literature in which you find them. Goal: Feessay that examines the relationship between or importance of a particular literary term and a particular work or works. You may write about more than one work we've read this semester, but stay focused on only one literary term. These are some suggested terms we've seen a lot this semester. Characterization, comedy, Dynamic vs static characters, figurative language, foreshadowing, point of view, setting, symbolism... We will have a review day soon, where we brainstorm and discuss what works best to demonstrate or represent these terms. So stay tuned... Your essay must attempt the following points; -Explain: Assert a main idea, point, or purpose for your essay. Without saying "I am writing this because," or "I am writing this to prove x, y, and z,” explain why you are writing the essay in the first place. What is your mission? What is your intention? -Consider your audience: Technically, I am this essays only reader, but aim at a broader audience than just me. Also, remember to write about literature in the present tense, as if whatever you're writing about is on-going. -Textual Evidence: Use quotes or scenes to support your main idea. Adequately introduce, correctly cite, and effectively comment on quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. -Teach: While your reader is familiar with the work(s) you've chosen, what can they learn about the work(s) by seeing it/them from your point of view. -Reflect: Think about and investigate the work(s) to the point that you discover something you didn't know before you started writing. In other words, undo a stereotype or expectation you had going into the essay. What was revealed to you about the work(s) by writing about them? Did anything surprise you or even shock you? *You do not need to use any outside sources besides the particular work or works you've chosen. However, if you choose to use outside sources, they MUST be properly cited (in MLA). The same warning is true for your primary source as well. It too MUST be properly cited (in MLA); in both the in-text citations as well as the works cited page. Failure to cite your sources is considered plagiarism (literary theft) and will result in a failing grade for the assignment and potentially, for the course. Method of Evaluation: Analytical Essay Does 3 Exceeds 2 1 Meets Approaches Not Meet Thesis statement Topic introduced thoroughly and clearly Purpose/Point Clear understanding of literary term chosen and effective choice of work(s) Supporting detail Relevant and powerful evidence is used to support thesis statement. Audience Clear consideration for the audience's background and knowledge base. Organization Logical structure is used and transitions effectively guide the reader Style Sentences have variety. Diction is consistent and words are well chosen. Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. MLA Formatting Header, heading and title use proper MLA formatting. MLA Formatting Margins, font, and indentations use proper MLA formatting Punctuation Correct use of period, exclamation, comma, colon, apostrophe, quotation mark, etc. Mechanics Correct use of capitalization, italics and spelling. Grammar Controlled use of tense, subject-verb agreement, repaired sentence fragments, and revised run-on sentences. A A- 94-100 90-93 B+ 87-89 B B- C+ 84-86 80-83 77-79 C С D F 70-76 65-690-64 Length (2-3 pages; one letter grade off for being too short or too long) Average Final Grade:
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Insert Surname 1
Student Name
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Michael’s Ability To Read The Future
The Press and Michael
Michael had been the last one born of the Don Corleone among other four
boys and a daughter. He was his father’s favorite even though he had always found a
way of staying away from his family as much as possible. His family had been
involved in gangs and violence for a long time. As a matter of fact, the Corleone
family was well-known for its strong power in New York during the times. Even
though Michael was young, he always had an intuition of being able to evade danger
through foreshadowing. As a child, Michael never took photos in front of the press.
He would not allow it. The paparazzi had tried as much as possible to take a clean
photo of the entire family together but Michael was always absent from them. When
he was asked by his father about the habit, the young boy told his father that publicity
would come to ruin the family if no one would have been careful about it. Since the
family had been involved in illegal activities, their public image had to be maintained
hidden or else would expose what the family was up to (Rust, 124).
Truthfully so, it was not long after until Michael’s father was caught with
allegations of being involved in gambling and gang violence. It so happened that a
journalist saw the photo of the family and decided to dedicate her entire life after to
bring to light the exact activities that the family had been involved with. The family
had previously been known for its wealth attained through legal means rather than the
exact manner in which the family had achieved its wealth. The Corleone had been

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depicted as a true American dreamer of the 80s until he got exposed for exactly what
he was doing. At that moment, only Michael and his father could remember the
conversation that they had and how the young boy had foreseen the future.
Michael was the only one among t...

Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.


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