research paper

User Generated




Doc TypeResearch Paper
Academic Levelcollege-undergraduate
Titleunit 4 research
Required Sources6
Due Date2018-04-28 23:30:00
Paper DescriptionFor the research paper, you'll place your own observations within the context of other scholarship. In short, you will enter into an academic conversation with others who are interested in your topic, thereby participating in the construction of knowledge. To enter this conversation, you need to follow this process:

Select a topic developed from the essays you wrote in Units 2 and 3.
Determine which resources address your topic of study. Gather those sources in a way that allows you to hear the various "threads of conversation" taking place within your topic. You will create an annotated bibliography that includes ten sources, five of which are annotated, and a paragraph describing how you will use the sources in your paper. Your final paper will incorporate at least six outside sources from specialized resources.
From these six sources, you need to have at least one book, either from the library or bookstore, or an ebook from Netlibrary. You must also have at least three GALILEO sources. The remaining sources may be public Internet sites; however, they must be valid and scholarly. Wikis, blogs, discussion boards, or sources in the style of Cliffs Notes will NOT count, although you can certainly use them to generate ideas.
Refine your topic.
Write the research paper as a response to that conversation. Your primary audience is your class and instructor, and your secondary audience is the scholars who may be interested in your contributions to the literary body of knowledge.
Does the process seem overwhelming? Don't worry-your instructor and your peers will guide you through each step of the way. As a matter of fact, for this particular part of the course, you will provide the texts and writings for the class. As we work step-by-step, you will be able to see your topic and the research process unfold before your eyes.

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