conversion of phenol to quinone in synthesis of 1,4 di hydroxy anthraquinone​

timer Asked: May 1st, 2018

Question Description

process of conversion of phenol to quinone in synthesis of 1,4 di hydroxy anthraquinone.

The present creation identifies with a procedure for the transformation of phenol to hydroquinone and quinones. All the more especially this creation identifies with a procedure for the oxidation of phenol to a blend of 1,4 benzoquinone and hydroquinone utilizing aq. Hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant with in the sight of titanium superoxide as a reusable impetus in a fluid stage condition.

A few procedures are portrayed in the workmanship for the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol utilizing hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant and change metals as impetuses. In the earlier workmanship, synergist transformation of phenol to catechol and hydroquinone has been accomplished by the accompanying strategies.The present creation identifies with a procedure for the transformation of phenol to hydroquinone and quinones. All the more especially this creation identifies with a procedure for the oxidation of phenol to a blend of 1,4 benzoquinone and hydroquinone utilizing aq. Hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant with in the sight of titanium superoxide as a reusable impetus in a fluid stage condition.

A few procedures are portrayed in the workmanship for the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol utilizing hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant and change metals as impetuses. In the earlier workmanship, synergist transformation of phenol to catechol and hydroquinone has been accomplished by the accompanying strategies.

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