HTML web page design

timer Asked: May 1st, 2018

Question Description

Number of Web Pages

Your web site must contain a total of at least seven pages, and with at least three levels of depth.

Home Page Name

The homepage will be named index.htm. This page and all of the others pages in your project must have a logo.


Create a web site folder and name it project_yourname (please do not use any other name). Save all your work in this folder. Inside this project folder, organize your web site using relevant subfolders such as web pages, images etc. You will compress and submit this folder on Canvas.

Path Names

You must use relative path names for images and other files. Only use absolute pathnames for external links to other websites.


The majority of your styles should be external; but a small number of embedded and/or inline styles are allowed. Use a variety of styles to make your site attractive.


Your web pages must have a suitable menu that is consistent throughout the web site. For example, if menu is placed at the top of the page in one page, it should be at the top of the page in every page. You may use any menu style such as tabbed, drop-down. a list etc.


Your site should include a minimum of one form.


Your site should include a minimum of one table of information.


Include all three types of links:

(a) links to locations within a given document

(b) links to documents in your web site

(c) links to external documents or websites


Minimum of one image per webpage. This includes a back ground image or the logo.

The required logo may be user created or obtained from the internet.


The pages should be linked in a simple hierarchical manner.

Background for all pages should be in high contrast to the page elements for readability. Be careful about the choice of colors.

All pages should have clean, polished professional look

Small textual links should use rollovers or equivalent to aid visibility

Catalog pages that are heavily graphics-oriented should contain small graphics (thumbnails) that link to larger pictures when clicked.

Instructions for Submission

  • Make sure you test your web site many many times before you submit.
  • No work will be accepted through email.
  • Submit the compressed folder of your complete project on Canvas.
  • You are responsible for keeping backup copies of any work to be used for resubmission if requested by the instructor.

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