textbooks review- Linguistics

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I need a textbooks review between 15-20 papers between these textbooks below. It is for a linguistics pedagogy course. Please compare and contrast between these textbooks in terms of topics covered in each of them and a general look at which is better and more inclusive to choose as a textbook for a class.


O’Grady, William, et al. Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. 7th ed., Bedford/St. Martins, 2017. Referred to hereafter as O’Grady.

Dawson, Hope, and Michael Phelan. Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics. 12th ed., The Ohio State University Press, 2016. Referred to hereafter as Language Files.

Plag, Ingo, et al. Introduction to English Linguistics. 3rd ed., De Gruyter, Inc., 2015. Referred to hereafter as Plag.

Hazen, Kirk. Introduction to Language. Wiley, 2014. Referred to hereafter as Hazen.

McCabe, Anne. Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies. Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2011. Referred to hereafter as McCabe.

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