I have 23 questions need to be answered about building systems

timer Asked: May 5th, 2018

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I’m a first year college student and I have questions these are the questions attached, please take a look at the questions and see if you are capable of solving them.

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Philadelphia University CMGT 206 - Building Systems 2nd Exam – Spring 2017 1. What are the two most common ways to bring electric service into a building and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each? 2. What materials are considered to be the best to use as electrical conductors? 3. Motor Control Centers are often consolidated sets of breakers and switches that provide power to what types of typical commercial devices? 4. Figure 26.42 in the text details various types of receptacles. Draw the receptacle of a device that requires 30A, 3 phase, 250V, 3 pole, with 4 wire grounding. 5. What are UPS systems and what the advantages of having UPS systems? 6. Describe the differences between ROMEX cable and BX cable. 7. What is the approximate frequency range that man can hear sound at? 8. At what approximate decibel level does pain set in for humans? 9. List four surfaces that are poor absorbers of sound. 10. Name and describe three key reasons to have Vibration Isolation in building system machines and motors. 11. What three aspects must be considered to achieve an overall good quality of lighting? 12. Which color temperature has warmer visual appearance? 2700K or 4100K 13. Describe the differences between specular surfaces and lambertian surfaces. 14. Name three primary objectives in Fire Safety of facilities. 15. Which agency establishes all fire code at a national level? 16. Name a common material in construction that is highly useful to support wall installation, maintenance, fire rating and protection, insulation, etc. 17. In most instances, when Air Handling Units detect smoke, how do the air handlers respond? 18. To help manage smoke, high rise stairtowers are required to be __________________ in order to help keep smoke out during evacuation. 19. Name and briefly describe the two main types of sprinkler applications. 20. Pre-Action systems often require a number of cues prior to release. Name three. 23. Why are systems like FM200 (prior Halon) systems utilized in commercial applications.
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