Modern American History Help

timer Asked: May 19th, 2018

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Im currently taking an american modern history class, and this part ive been stuck at for the pass few days. I really need help i really love history but i found this extra challenging.

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1. Map activity - The railroad revolution Aa Aa E By the close of the nineteenth century, the railroad had united the sprawling nation-connecting the disparate regions of the nation into a unified national economy, encouraging the rise of industry, fueling the settlement of the West, and revolutionizing the way people lived in the East and West, North and South. Look at the map, which shows the spread of railroads across the United States. You can display different elements of the map by selecting the check boxes in the legend. Then, answer the questions that follow. Vancouver Pacific Time Mountain Time Eastern Tine Central Time CANADA Tacoma, Seattle WASH Québec MONT NOAK MINN Duluth Ottawa Montréal ME OREGON MICH VELO IDAHO S.DK WIS Pierre WYOMING Casper Toronto (N.Y. Boston Hamilton MASS VERI Detroit. CONN Chicago so Ogyefand PA New York ATLANTIC Hopittsburgh Philadelphia OCEAN -DEL. Oncinnati -MD Sacramento San. Francisco CALIF Denver INC NEVADA Salt Lake City UTAH TERR COLO W.VA Richmond washington, D.C. NES Omaha Kansas GlyMO KANS. St. Louis INDIAN TERR ARK KY VA NE TENNA ARIZ. TERR Wilmington Los Angeles PACIFIC OCEAN AlaptaSC N. MEX TERR Miss GA Charleston Savannah El Paso Montgomery TEUS LA Houston New Orleans FLA . Cities Railroads built by 1860 Railroads built 1861-80 -Railroads built 1881-90 Time zones Gulf of Mexico MEX Imagine that you are traveling by railroad in 1890. Which of the following routes would you be able to take by rail alone without using any other modes of transportation? Check all the routes that apply, leaving blank the routes that cannot be traveled by railroad alone. Chicago, Illinois, to Omaha, Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska, to Casper, Wyoming New Orleans, Louisiana, to Houston, Texas Pierre, South Dakota, to Sacramento, California Omaha, Nebraska, to Tacoma, Washington Given the routes you selected, which of the following statements best describes the state of the American railroad system in 1890? The American railroad system crisscrossed the Northeast, Midwest, and South, and several transcontinental lines connected the West Coast to the rest of the nation. The American railroad system crisscrossed the Northeast, Midwest, and South and included offshoot lines to the West and one transcontinental line. The American railroad system had reached the Mississippi River, with extensive lines in the Northeast and upper Midwest. The first transcontinental railroad had a significant impact on the country. Complete the paragraph about the transcontinental railroad by typing the correct word, phrase, city, or state in the blank lines. There had been several proposals for a transcontinental railroad prior to the 1860s. The deadlock about the proposals was broken with the outbreak of the Civil War. Congress commissioned the Railroad to build tracks westward from Omaha, Nebraska. Meanwhile, the Central Pacific Railroad pushed eastward from California. The Central Pacific hired an estimated 10,000 laborers from to build the tracks. These laborers were often tasked with the most dangerous jobs. In 1869, Leland Stanford, a financial backer and the ex-governor of California, hammered in the golden spike where the two tracks met at Promontory Point (near Ogden) in the territory of Now, answer questions about the practices of the railroads, their relationship with government, and their influence on the growth of the country. True or False: The railroads fueled the growth of cities. Land grants to transcontinental railroads reserved one square mile of land in the right of way adjacent to the tracks for each of the following except: O True O False O Settlers O The railroad The government Which of the following provisions was not part of the Interstate Commerce Act? It established uniform schedule of railroad rates. It established a federal commission to administer and enforce the law. It required railroads to publish their rates openly.
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