Choosing the best measure

timer Asked: May 23rd, 2018

Question Description

Suppose you applied to be a waiter or waitress at a local restaurant and asked the manager what a
typical dinner shift was like. How might the manager describe the typical
size of a party at a table? The mode would be useful, since there are a few
repeated values. You might have an occasional table for 20, but, for the
most part, parties consist of one to five people. What if you asked for the
typical size of a check, so you could estimate your tips? The mode makes no
sense, since you would not likely have many repeats, and the mean is easily
distorted by that table for 20, but the median tells you that half the time
you can expect to earn a certain amount of money in tips. Now suppose you
were a real estate agent and you were asked by a client about the "typical"
home in a subdivision. Being the astute agent you are, you have gathered the
following information on each house in the subdivision: Price, square
footage, numbers of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and age. What statistic
(mean, median, or mode) would you use to describe each aspect of the typical
home and why? Try to imagine the type of answers you would be giving your
client based on your selections for a subdivision that has 100 homes with a
wide variety of sizes and prices.(250 word count)

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