Bio questions

timer Asked: May 30th, 2018

Question Description

answer these questions in brief specific way .

I didn’t check the websites on the paper but you can check them it might help .

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Extra Credit Assignments 15 pts: Biology 130. Turn in a hard copy of these assignments by Thursday 5-31 The website has several virtual experiments that you can access online. Here are the links to several of these exercises below. Go to these websites and perform the experiments online and answer the questions about them. Have Fun. Extra Credit #1: Transcribe and Translate: Report the RNA sequence that you transcribed. Report the protein sequence that was translated. Extra Credit #2: DNA Extraction What are the steps to purifying DNA What are the materials and equipment needed? Describe what is happening at each step. Extra Credit #3: Gel Electrophoresis. What is the purpose of gel electrophoresis? How does DNA move through the gel? Which DNA strands move through the gel the fastest? slowest? Run your virtual PCR and estimate the sizes of the DNA strands in your sample by comparing them with strands of known size in the “DNA Standard" lane
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