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An RC4 state is a 256 bytes states with two 8-bit index pointers i and j denoted by (S ,i ,j) The initial RC4 state is generated by KSA demoted by( S0, i=0, j=0).

An important feature of RCA is that the RC4 state is revertible That is, if (S* , i*, j*)=PRGAn (S ,i, j) it has (S ,i, j)=IPRGAn (S* , i*, j*)Where PRGAn demotes applying n rounds PRGA (samefor IPRGAn) and IPRGA is the reverse algorithm of PRGA. This feature means that any former

RC4 state can be recovered from a later RC4 state by applying certain rounds IPRGA.Write code to implementboth the PRGA algorithm and following IPRGA algorithm and design and implement a way confirm that any RC4 state can go forward by PRGA and backward by IPRGA.

IPRGA(S, i , j)

Generation loop;

S[i] ⟷ S[j]

j←(j-S[i ] +256)mod 256

i←(i -1)mod 256

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OS Precio 2011 Adobe Feve Wedel Open 193 Tools Sign Comment Part One (Weight: 25%) Due: 5:00pm, June 5, 2018 An RC4 state is a 256 bytes states with two 8-bit index pointers i and j denoted by (S, i, j). The initial RC4 state is generated by KSA denoted by:(So, i = 0, j = 0). An important feature of RC4 is that the RC4 state is reversible. That is, if (S*, i*,j*) = PRGA"(S, i, j), it has (S, i, j) = IPRGA" (S*, i* j*) where PRGA" denotes applying n rounds PRGA (same for IPRGA") and IPRGA is the reverse algorithm of PRGA. This feature means that any former RC4 state can be recovered from a later RC4 state by applying certain rounds IPRGA. Write code to implement both the PRGA algorithm and the following IPRGA algorithm and design and implement a way to confirm that any RC4 state can go forward by PRGA and backward by IPRGA IPRGA(S, i, j) Generation loop : S[i]>S[j] it (j-S[i]+256) mod 256 if(i-1) mod 256 Note: *i= 1. Source code and related documentation for part one are required. Both source code and documentation are due on June 5, 2018, at 5:00pm. Please compress them into one zip file with TEM * *
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