Ethics and Social Responsibility

timer Asked: Jun 2nd, 2018

Question Description

Purpose of Assignment

This assignment is designed to identify how decisions impact a business. Corporations have an obligation to be ethical at all times. For this assignment; the student will identify potential ethical implications surrounding the decision, and how this may impact the decision-making process. From there, corporate social responsibility will be explained and how it can impact the outcome of decision-making for an organization.

Assignment Steps

Identify a business in your local community. This can be your current place of employment or a business with which you are familiar.

Develop a 1,050-word examination of the ethics and social responsibility practices within the organization.

Include the following in your examination:

  • Select a business decision within the organization.
  • Identify the potential ethical implications associated with this decision.
  • Determine the effect this may have on the decision making process.
  • Identify how the organization applies corporate social responsibility to the business.
  • Evaluate the influence that corporate social responsibility has on the organization.
  • Discuss the application of critical thinking to corporate social responsibility.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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