Advanced Diploma in Environment health and safety

timer Asked: Jun 3rd, 2018

Question Description

You are appointed as a safety manager of your organization.

Recently there have been many accidents due to improper management of human factors. Management advised you to complete a study to manage human factors effectively. You need to identify issues faced by employees related to Human factors. You need to make a report that should cover following aspects.

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Assessment No.2 Course EHS 6004 Term/Year Term 3, 2017/2018 Program Advanced Diploma in Environment health and safety Assessment Name Major Assessment 2 – Project Manage Human factors in the work place [201830] Student ID Number First Name Date W8 Block Code ADDEHS301 Family Name Student Declaration I certify that the work presented is my own. It does not contain any material that is subject to copyright or that has been submitted previously for assessment (Unless specifically requested by teacher). Student Signature Date Elements Assessed Elements Assessed – 2 & 3 Element 2: Evaluate the social, psychological and physical conditions that affect human performance 2.1. Discuss the responsibility of individuals, groups and managers in the workplace. 2.2. Evaluate peer pressure, motivation, culture issues and management decisions that impact the workplace. 2.3 Explain the effects of physical and mental fitness, health, workload and shift work have on human performance 2.4 Evaluate physical environment effects that influence human performance. Element 3: Analyze how work tasks and communications affect human performance in the workplace 3.1. Evaluate the effects of physical and repetitive tasks have on individuals. 3.2. Analyze the importance of communication within and between teams. 3.3. Discuss the importance of work logging, recording and safe working practices Assessment Instructions Name of Assessor/Teacher: Joshi John • • • • • • • This is an assessment to be done in pairs which will be carried out during class time. Copying is a serious offence and will be dealt with as per ADVETI policies. Total Marks:, Weightage: 35% If you are unsure about any of the assessment requirements, please speak to your teacher. Students will be given time in class to work on assessment. However, additional time for completion of the assessment may be needed outside the class. Assessment documentation must be well organized and filed together when submitted. Use the marking criteria attached to make sure you meet the assessment requirements. Assessment 2: Major 1 201830 Version 1.0 1|P a g e Assessment No.2 Range Level 90 - 100% Distinction: Your achievement is outstanding relative to the course requirements. 75 - 89% Merit: Your achievement is significantly above the course requirements. 60 - 74% Competent: Your achievement satisfactorily meets course requirements. 0 - 59% Not Competent: Your achievement does not meet course requirements. Assessment Result Teacher’s Feedback and Comments Student’s Comments Assessment Event Feedback Acknowledgement DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOU RECEIVE THE FEEDBACK I acknowledge that I have received and understood feedback from my teacher about this assessment event. Student’s Signature I confirm that I have provided feedback about this assessment to this student. Teacher’s Signature Assessment 2: Major 1 201830 Date Date Version 1.0 2|P a g e Assessment No.2 Assessment Task You are appointed as a safety manager of your organization. Recently there have been many accidents due to improper management of human factors. Management advised you to complete a study to manage human factors effectively. You need to identify issues faced by employees related to Human factors. You need to make a report that should cover following aspects. 1. Responsibilities of employees/managers and different departments or shifts. Identify the responsibilities of employees working in different capacities. Including the safety responsibility. Identify the managers and supervisors responsibility. Include the responsibilities of shift/departments. 2. Evaluate the organisations culture including safety culture, work pressures that impact in the work place. Identify the issues of culture, such as culture of company, nationalities working, safety culture, technical culture, business culture that can have an impact in work place 3. Identify the effects of physical, mental fitness, work load and shift work on human performance. Evaluate the employee’s physical and mental fitness and their work patterns. Identify the employees working in shifts and their welfare facilities. Evaluate the work load of employee’s within the organization. Shift patterns such as night shift. How organization is managing the shift work if it is there. 4. Effects of physical environment in the workplace Identify the physical environment that the employees are working in, such as noise, hot, cold, vibration, confined space environments. Impacts of physical environment on employee’s health. In what way the organization is managing the negative effects of physical environments. 5. Evaluate the effects of repetitive tasks in your organisations. Identify the different types of repetitive task in your organization and their effects on employee’s health. Propose the control measures to reduce the effects. 6. Analyse the importance of communication within organisation Identify the modes or methods of communication within the organization and identify the methods to improve the communication. 7. Evaluate the list of records maintained to comply with health and safety management system. List out the name of records maintained in the organization to comply with OSHAD SF requirements. You have to submit the assessment in soft copy form. It is important to include the cover list and list of contents. You report should not exceed more than 10 pages. Assessment 2: Major 1 201830 Version 1.0 3|P a g e Assessment No.2 Major Assessment 2 – Project report – Marking Guide Student Name__________________ Major Assessment 2 Student ID No____________ Very good 8-10 Good 5-7 Very detailed information about the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, employees and different department including safety responsibilities. Limited information about the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, employees and different department including safety responsibilities Very Limited information about the responsibilities of managers, supervisors, employees and different department including safety responsibilities Evaluated organizational cultures Very detailed information about culture of the company, nationalities working, safety culture, business culture, technical culture. Limited information about culture of the company, nationalities working, safety culture, business culture, technical culture Very limited information about culture of the company, nationalities working, safety culture, business culture, technical culture Identified the effects of physical, mental fitness, work load, shift work on human performance Very detailed evaluation of physical and mental fitness and their work patterns, shift work, work load and how the organization is managing these aspects. Limited evaluation of physical and mental fitness and their work patterns, shift work, work load and how the organization is managing these aspects. Very limited evaluation of physical and mental fitness and their work patterns, shift work, work load and how the organization is managing these aspects. Very detailed information about the physical environment and their impacts and how organization is managing different physical environment. Limited information about the physical environment and their impacts and how organization is managing different physical environment. Very limited information about the physical environment and their impacts and how organization is managing different physical environment. Very detailed information about the repetitive task and their effects on employees. Control measures for managing this aspect. Limited information about the repetitive task and their effects on employees. Control measures for managing this aspect. Very limited information about the repetitive task and their effects on employees. Control measures for managing this aspect. Limited information about communication methods Very limited information about communication methods Responsibilities of employees, managers, different department or shift. Identified the physical environment in the workplace Evaluated the effects of repetitive task Analyzed the communication methods Very detailed information about communication methods Assessment 2: Major 1 201830 Version 1.0 Poor 1-4 4|P a g e Assessment No.2 Limited information about the OHS records Evaluated the record Very detailed information available about the OHS records Total Marks Very limited information about the OHS records = 70 marks Assessment matrix Assessment task Responsibilities of employees PC 2.1 PC 2.2 PC2.3 PC 2.4 PC 3.1 PC 3.2 PC 3.3 √ Organizational cultures Effect of physical and mental fitness √ √ √ Physical environment in the workplace √ Effects of repetitive task √ Communication methods √ Evaluated the record available Assessment 2: Major 1 201830 Version 1.0 5|P a g e
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