Case Analysis Paper needed by July 1st

timer Asked: Jun 5th, 2018

Question Description

The case study paper is an individual assignment not a group assignment. The paper should be at least 15 pages in length (not including your cover page, table of contents, and reference pages), with chapters discussing the five functions of management. APA 6th formatting required. No late assignments will be accepted.

Your case study must consist of the following elements: cover page, title of contents, executive summary, your current resume, management theory, planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling chapters. The management theory chapter will include your analysis of the type of management theory exhibited in the case study and a recommended management theory that would make the organization/situation better. The planning chapter must include a SWOT analysis of your case. MORE DETAILS TO COME. The organizing chapter must include before and after organization structure charts along with the explanation for each selected structure. The staffing chapter must include at least 2 staffing concepts as they apply to your class study. The leading chapter must include at least one leadership theory/model was presented in the case study as well as your recommendation of a leadership theory/model that would improve the organization. In addition, you must include at least one motivation theory/model and address the organization’s culture. The controlling and improving performance chaptermust address control and how to improve a particular problematic issue in your case study. This chapter should also include some tools/approaches to control and improve performance. Communication, decision making, and change management should be addressed throughout your paper. You should locate and cite at least 6 peer-reviewed journal articles, the required textbook, and use APA 6.0 system of citation ONLY in this paper.

Its Case Study 3 in Seidel, L. & Lewis, J. (2014). The Middleboro Casebook: Healthcare Strategy and Operations (1st edition). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Once accepted, The case is in the PDF file. The case analysis needs to be about that case.

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