Importance of spiders

timer Asked: Jun 6th, 2018

Question Description

The use of coconut fibres will be an alternative to the glass, synthetic and steel fibres in use in producing fibre reinforced concrete. In addition, it will assist in value addition of the coconut farming by utilising these coconut fibres. Hence, it will boost the revenue for the farmers from this value addition as the buyers will purchase the coconuts at a higher price. Concrete use as a construction material has increased significantly as compared to other materials. It is the most commonly used construction material. This increase in concrete use could be attributed to the various types of concrete that can be produced such as reinforced concrete, precast concrete, shotcrete, lightweight concrete, high strength concrete and self-compacting concrete among others. Also, concrete possesses numerous advantages which have made it suitable as a construction material. These advantages include; availability of raw materials, durability, desired strength, economical and provision for workability. Concrete has a number of applications in the construction industry. It is used in the construction of bridges, skyscrapers, dams, houses and sidewalks. The widespread use of concrete has necessitated continued research in this material. This is to enable the production of concrete that meets the desired properties.

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