Strategy and Tactics

User Generated


Business Finance


Strategy and messaging (5-7 pages) are the foundational components of a strategic public relations plan, hence the word “strategic” used with the plan. This lays out the overarching manner in how you will accomplish your plan with the core messages you wish to communicate to your stakeholders. Objectives help you formulate what your strategy should be to achieve the desired outcomes.

For this assignment, formulate the strategy and messaging and include at least three SMART objectives. Back these up with information gleaned from the Week 2 SWOT analysis. Use this assignment to inform the Week 4 tactics, budget and timeline assignment. Share with your assigned peer learning team for their insights.

Tactics and message (5-7 pages) dissemination are the activities you undertake to make the strategy a reality.

For this assignment list the tactics and how you plan to disseminate your message. Include the budget and timeline. Present these through a Gantt chart. Share with your assigned peer learning team for their insights.

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