stoichiometry help i have already balanced the question

timer Asked: Jun 8th, 2018

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stoichiometry help i know the balanced equation is 3CuCl2+2Al=2AlCl3+3Cu so please help me figure out the rest asa

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d. the reaction speeds up and a reddish brown granular solid precipitates e. lots of steam is given off, the beaker gets hot and the aluminum foil seems to disappear f. the blue solution loses much of its color and is a lighter, paler blue g. when the reddish brown solid is collected, dried and weighed, its mass is recorded h. the remaining solution is massed in the beaker and the mass of the beaker and its contents is recorded. 2. Write a balanced equation for the reaction which occurs. 3. What is the reddish brown solid which is formed? 4. From the masses of reactants given and the observations made, determine the limiting reactant and the excess reactant and the theoretical yield of the solid product. (Use a BCA) c. Determine the actual yield of the solid obtained. d. Determine the percent yield of the solid product.. e. In this experiment, how many grams of the excess reactant was left over (theoretically)? 102 Lab Data A student, Mary Diane, designs an experiment to investigate stoichiometry, limiting reactants and percent yield. The only reagents she could find were aluminum foil and a jar of copper(II) chloride. She took the following data: Mass of empty beaker Mass of beaker with scoop of copper(II) chloride Mass of beaker and contents after adding 250 ml water Mass of aluminum foil available Mass of beaker and contents after adding the aluminum foil Mass of beaker and contents after all visible reaction has stopped Mass of recovered, dried solid Mass of beaker with remaining solution after solid has been removed 102.05 g 111.12 g 361.12 g 1.07 g 362.19 g 360.35 g 3.48 g 356.85 g SOME OF THIS DATA EAS UNECESSARILY COLLECTED. DISREGARD ANYTHING YOU DON'T NEED!!!!!! Circle the data you will actually need. 1. The following observations are made: a. when the copper(II) chloride is dissolved in 250.0 ml of distilled water, the solution turns a deep, ocean water blue/green color. b. the aluminum foil is a bright silvery color. C. when the aluminum foil is crumpled into a ball and placed in the solution, a slow reaction begins with bubbles being formed.
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