
timer Asked: Jun 17th, 2018

Question Description

1. A medical group has decided to develop an industrial medicine program for employers. This program would help in the treatment of on-the-job injuries, workers’ compensation requirements, health education, and toxicology analysis. The group has hired a new salesperson to approach a major furniture manufacturer in the community about the program. In preparing for her first call, the salesperson makes a list of the possible members of the buying center. Prepare the list.

2. A new group of primary care physicians has decided to locate in a suburb of Washington, D.C. Having had some primary market research conducted of the area, the researchers characterized the community as comprised primarily of Boomers, Gen Xers, and a significant number of N-Gen white-collar workers, all employed by high tech consulting firms who work in the outer belt that surrounds Washington, D.C. What are the implications of this market profile in terms of how: a. A. the office setting might be configured?b. The office scheduling and hours might be construed?c. Might a plan be developed to make the market aware of the new group opening its practice?

3. A major tertiary care medical center has decided to establish a sales force to call on physicians practicing in the medical center’s three-state region. The marketing director has classified the doctors into the following categories: Class A: loyal referrers—329 physicians Class B: moderate referrers—480 physicians Class C: potential referrers—620 physicians She also estimates the following call pattern: Class A: 4 calls per year @ 30 minutes a call Class B: 3 calls per year @ 15 minutes per call Class C: 2 calls per year @ 15 minutes per call The average salesperson works 48 weeks a year, 40 hours a week, and spends 80 percent of his time selling. Calculate the number of sales representatives needed to service this market.

4. The administrator of a small, acute-care hospi­tal is faced with his first managed care contract. He meets with representatives from the prepaid plan to discuss the amount to be paid to the hospital. The administrator is concerned because the managed care business does not look profitable—the hospital will be reimbursed below its current reimbursement levels. In what ways might the administrator evaluate this new managed care business in terms of its economic value to this institution?

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